Monday, March 14, 2011

Defecography New Jersey

10 Motivi Per Cui Odd Future Non Possono Essere Considerati "Horrorcore"

1) I calzettoni da pornoattore anni ‘80 di Tyler;
2) L’immaginario skate/fast food;
3) C’è una donna all’interno della crew;
4) Nessun campionamento preso da film horror/skit ispirato film dell’orrore;
5) Rolling Papers di Domo Genesis;
6) Qualunque album dei Jet Age of Tomorrow;
7) Le copertine in “bassa fedeltà” fatte con Windows Paint;
8) Il font Cooper Black;
9) Tyler che dice “I am a fucking unicorn” in una intervista;
10) Rappano bene.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Vending Machine Nfl Helmets


Me claims that can not continue to see the world as real, knowing that the self that determines the reality is intangible, while I, looking through the eyes of the acting person, that is all about ; view of the physics of possibilities of how the world is and as it perceives it. And they behave accordingly.

Wooden Cubes For Sale

La Redenzione di Tony Yayo

I rap Tony Yayo is a process so do the rocks (and those of Matera, which ultimately do not fare well, as they say). That the rapper has managed to stand out as most rappers lack of G-Unit (which is not that well never have been abundant lightning war) is certainly a remarkable achievement.
Even more remarkable is certainly the fact that his Thoughts Of A Predicate Felon was probably the worst album released under label G-Unit: given the crap post Beg For Mercy , is certainly an impressive record.
That way, sembrerebbe finita (“un chiodo nella bara”, direbbe Eminem) per Yayo, ma non è questo il caso, anzi. Questo è un post di apprezzamento. Se mi seguite un attimo, provo a spiegarmi.
Assodato che le qualità tecniche gli fanno difetto, infatti, il buon Marvin, che è un “goon” coi controcazzi (non ha problemi a picchiare anche i ragazzini, se questo può essere utile a 50 Cent), ha una qualità che è rara, anzi rarissima nel business di oggi. Qualità che lo rivaluta del tutto e che cancella qualunque misfatto pseudo R’n’B o rima zoppicante.
Tony Yayo è uno di quei rarissimi artisti che sanno ritagliarsi una fetta di celebrità per fare quello che vogliono. Per be more clear, beyond the compromises to do with Interscope, Yayo is aware that the "fan-base" that the G-Unit has built over the years can also be used to absorb that which is the production of more personal 'artist. Which is not necessarily the "trademark" of the G-Unit (sounds "smooth", megamastering and songs from a million dollars on which to set the generic gangsta skirmishes). I find that very refreshing
Yayo Based God is a fan of Lil B. Adapting the system "based" on its own aesthetic, Tony Yayo manages to involve the listener in a kaleidoscope of disjoint and non-sequitur rhymes surprising that add appeal on the limited content and flow of the rapper. If you add to this that Yayo's ear for the beat is definitely better than average and that of colleagues to this the "Gun Powder Guru" good mates ability to appreciate other rappers, not just what one would expect from membership of New York, but just in general, it is easy to understand how the redemption is complete.
For confirmation, just listen Hawaaian Snow , all done in tandem with Danny Brown from Detroit, one of the most interesting rappers around at the moment. The nasal voice of Brown and its flow-based image and disgusting at the same time engaging in the construction of metaphors are the perfect complement to every little "stoned" and threatening to the review of Yayo idiosyncratic concepts of the classic G-Unit, contaminated by an imaginary crack-strip club, Marvel comic books, mafia movies with low budgets and reminiscences "trap-hop". Yayo know reinvent naturally, does what it's like caring about fashion, created a mixtape with a single manufacturer (Doe Pesci from Queens) with tight trousers as an accomplice by Danny Brown is the only guest who called Lil B, also loved and hated for his rap spontaneous and unregulated and certainly the opposite of the position, in theory.
For me, the redemption is complete. If any of you but not sure, recoveries Hawaaian Snow and then we'll talk about. Here on the blog, possibly.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Your System Has Not Been Modified. To


Peto and again, roughly, around blunders directed to other looks. This seems so simple, but it has nothing to do with simplicity. In logic, the orientation is given by where the heart is part ambition mental barely. Perhaps by a factor of space. Experience drawn, rather than imposition, although in principle, from the research. And 'an experiment that implements the dialogue between my brain and the projection of my mind. Magnetic.