Saturday, August 28, 2010

Oval Elasticized Tablecloth

Una Visione

One of the privileges (?) Being a dad is to be woken up at impossible hours from their children, and then have the ability to watch television than, say, six in the morning one would not look, as usual.
In this splendid setting, see the latest video from Lady Gaga, Alejandro is not so bad, in fact carries with it a fascinating series of reflections.
Intrigued by the inscription in large letters "Klein" appearing at the start (it will be the director, but who is?), I syrupy video, realizing for the first time about one thing: Lady Gaga has a vision.
That is not necessarily a vision that I like or ideologically to the participation (or aesthetically, for that matter), but I recognize. In this
video, in addition to a junk pseudo-rebel who pretends to be transgressive (how many times have we seen nuns in sexy skin, on TV?) and delusions of totalitarian pseudo-based androgynous young men in uniform and hairless straight out from the mind of Jean Paul Gaultier in a brown shirt, I finally figured out where he wants to end up with Lady Gaga, the first thing that I was obscure. Stupid me, I thought the music mattered. And do not (although Miss Germanotta a talent for pop melodies has disgraced us, recognize it): the music does not count, image count. And here the lighting. Lady Gaga was floundering in high school that now has become famous and seeks revenge on the world.
But if other artists, two names at random Eminem and Pink, starting from similar positions to get a revenge-catharsis that leads them to use that black hole of childhood as a propellant to write (even) songs that have meaning in the case of Lady Gaga is different.
The revenge of the Lady is basically masturbation. That is, based on fitness and lingerie, the Lady lust to turn into a vamp-bitch that icy essence of their complacency and wallows in images of totalitarian flavor that do nothing but emphasize how the underlying problem has not been exceeded and, above all, is not exceeded. Certainly not based Armadillo makeup and shoes.
For the rest, youngsters a thing of the future will thank Lady Gaga: in ten years, when the good girls will be subjected to a normal worst instincts in the male animal- gang bang, do not forget those who did accept the concept.
Apart from this, in my little world monomaniacal I enjoy the little satisfaction that at least Lady Gaga me for a moment, and the desire to write on the blog. In each of the satisfaction you deserve.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Tom Felton On Wendy's Commercial

Back in New Zealand

Hello everyone.
Here we are back in the house of Kohimarama. 5 weeks have now passed from date of return. It was July 15th when we again landed at Auckland. A rainy and cold that day. It 'was a traumatic moment I would say almost off the plane arriving from Italian and especially after 3-day stopover in Hong Kong, where the temperature was 34-35 degrees with 100% humidity. But we did it. With the help of our Foster Parents Epsom (Peter & Linda) and that they came to get her home.

The second and trauma 'was set foot in the house. Umidissima and cold. Before cosa fatta ancor prima di mettere giu' le valigie e' stato accendere i termosifoni e il deumidificatore. Salutato e ringraziato Peter & Linda ci siamo fatti un bel te' caldo e dopo via di corsa a letto. Credetimi. Eravamo esausti. Noi in aereo non riusciamo a dormire. Ci siamo infilati sotto le coperte ancora mezzi vestiti, tutti e tre nel lettone matrimoniale. Lina aveva anche riposato, ma ad ogni modo era sveglia dalle 7 del mattino anche lei, quando avevano iniziato a girare per l'aereo con la colazione. Fortunatamente cinque sei orette era riuscita a dormire. Dovete sapere che alla partenza da HK (alle 9 di sera) abbiamo passato quasi tre ore da incubo perche' dopo essere crollata all'aeroporto verso le 7 mentre aspettavamo l'imbarco abbiamo dovuto wake (in fact if I remember correctly and it 'woke up alone) to board. So 'we've ruined the sweet sleep. Gia 'This, to us adults, it runs the boxes, then try to think for a little girl dead tired being in the midst of the confusion of people trying to settle in the various seats. The hostess who kept running back and forth with a thousand things to do. The lights still on. The take-off. Dinner. The people who went to the bathroom. . . etc. ..
Lina in all this and 'passed the stage overtired and then ...... tantrums and crying. Three hours worth of poor. Then the collapse. Good night, good night, floret ( ) By the grace of Signore non ci sono state forti turbolenze che ci avrebbero costretto a riprendere in braccio la tata e quindi quasi in automatico ..... duro risveglio ( ).
Dopo quasi oltre due ore di riposo (vorrei dire profondo sonno) ci siamo a fatica rialzati. Non potevamo dormire tutto il pomeriggio, altrimenti poi la notte sarebbe stata ....... in bianco.
Dovevamo inoltre cercare di riabituarci al nuovo fuso orario. La sosta "tecnica" a Hong Kong da questo punto di vista ci aveva agevolato parecchio. Tre giorni con un fuso orario di +6 rispetto all'Italia e -4 da Auckland erano stati sufficienti a calmierare l'ampio gap fra le due destinazioni, the departure and arrival. When we woke up it was almost dark as here in the middle 'of July the sun sets at around five in the afternoon. We looked and we did quite a wry smile. We were no longer 'used to these short days. We left Italy where the sun set at nine and a half and Hong Kong where he started at eight. We had left the northern hemisphere and we were back in the Southern Hemisphere. This was the real "problem." Within us a tremendous sense of nostalgia. We spent five fantastic week and met wonderful people. We could safely say that any better than this' could not go. Even Lina had changed! He had the opportunity to embrace part of that world to just before the voice had always been told or seen in photographs. What is most 'beautiful for us and' that seems to be liked so much. Thank God