Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dvd-hd860 Component Upconvert Hack

We Moved

Esatto !!
Ci siamo trasferiti di casa.
Come la foto sopra vi fa vedere una nave da crociera che se ne sta andando dal porto, così anche noi abbiamo issato una nuova ancora in un nuovo posto.
Non molto lontano da dove eravamo prima, non abbiamo cambiato zona residenziale.
Siamo diventati nuovi residenti di Kohimarama. Siamo a circa 2 km da dove eravamo prima.
Nuova casa, nuova spiaggia, nuovo parco e soprattutto nuovo giardino privato.
Finalmente siamo riusciti a trovare una casetta tutta per noi con un bel giardino.
Lo desideravamo tanto.
Il 21 Dicembre abbiamo fatto trasloco final.

After leaving the apartment where we spent almost two wonderful years and where they are made so many beautiful dreams. We left with a bit of sadness because we were loyal to St Heliers, but at the same time we have a great joy for the new home.

The move was organized at the last moment because it was not entirely expected. We found the announcement of the house "by accident" one night within 10 days. Went to see her right away, we had the great fortune to be liked by the owners and two days after we signed the contract. Speaking note of the move, we managed to finish it in a timely fashion with the help friends, without whom we could not have surely done.
Once again I have to tell them ....... 1000 THANKS!

This picture above was taken in the evening when the move after a day of "hard work" we stopped a moment to put something in your teeth. What?
Na Bella Pizza Take away ordered by phone. Easyyyiiiii .....................

And this is the house seen from the south.
Little Lina was very well set now. The
seen here in a quiet beautiful garden pool.

here with his dad to relax and gather some flowers on the meadow.

We also have a small veranda where we have made a table for dining out, especially this season. A show!!

and could not miss the BBQ. Absolutely not! Now you will start to get serious. Behind
myself you can see the new "tool" ready to go.
steaks, vegetables, fish ...... and so on and ..... and so forth ...... on the Grid. :-) :-) :-)

We've finally found a house that goes well with our lifestyle.
Fantastic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello everyone.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

What Is Regular Metal

Merry Christmas to all (even if late).
We were not able to write first for a reason that you are going to read in the coming days.
On 25 and begin to really big for us. Wake up at 6:15
sung by Lina Sweet, the sun already radiating the windows of the room and a fantastic Christmas tree (made the day before) waiting for us in the lounge with some gifts placed underneath, next to the "mini" crib regalatoci our cognatina Laura even last year.
abbonadante After breakfast, while his mother was preparing well for the day, me and the little we went for a walk along the beach, even just to start the day. There is a pair di orette prima della santa Messa nella chiesa di St Heliers.
Dopo pochi passi il primo babbo natale a salutarci (vedi foto sotto)

e poco dopo eccoci in riva al South Pacific Ocean, sulla spiaggia di Kohi, ad osservare i primi escursionisti della giornata. Come potete vedere nella foto sotto c'erano anche un paio di velisti pronti per salpare.

Non potevo non scattare una foto alla mia bambina mentre si divertiva a giocare con il suo ciuccio in tutto relax. Il tempo passava velocemente e dovevamo piano piano rientrare anche noi a casa per prepararci, altrimenti la mamma si sarebbe arrabbiata.

Giusto il tempo to return, a shower in speed and fled to church for midnight mass. After which we
we exchanged greetings with some friends and then when the church was empty (not that it took hours to be honest, given the turnout ....) we are to make photos near the crib , following the suggestion of our friend Chris, Tiara's father (the girl next to our Lina pictured below).

After that we headed home for our foster parents, the Stopforth, in the suburb of Epsom. They were waiting for the big room, surrounded by all the grandchildren in fibrillation for the big moment of the opening of presents. Lots!
We have also made us, but have been many more than we received. A day really "hot" in all respects. The weather was beautiful even if you sweat a mess and it was impossible to stay under the sun, especially from 2 to 4 pm.

This is the Christmas cake that one of the daughters made for the event. Banana cake (inside) with preparation time around 18 hours ...... and I'm not kidding.

In the late afternoon, around 6 we got back home to prepare for dinner with some friends we had invited. To be honest dinner had been prepared by our friend Olivia who had offered to prepare it for us given the mess that still had at home (why you will find out in upcoming episodes). That night we finally made almost midnight before going to bed and the time we used to fall asleep on our Latvian think it was around 10 seconds, we had seen the stachezza him. To put it in two words: WE WERE FIRED!!

In the photo below you can see our Christmas tree that my dear wife carefully prepared during the day before. I have to say the truth that was very good and Lina in the morning was a lot of fun to see it all decorated. I can not publish the photos because unfortunately they are all by myself and just got up in his underwear with his arm in a little. I would say that is not the case! Ah Ah Ah :-) :-)

This however is the video shot at the end of the celebration in the church of St Heliers with the two little angels crib placed near the small community that has prepared.
Merry Christmas to all again.

you soon,

Monday, December 21, 2009

Waxing Post Myomectomy

An affectionate greeting of Merry Christmas to all and that the Child Jesus
bring serenity and joy A big kiss from Piera

Monday, December 14, 2009

Honey Nut Cheerios Nutrition

Gnocchi "Saracens" with poppy seeds

Before leaving the my new recipe I want to thank all you for the kind words that you ave been for me at this time, I also apologize if this is not very recently (but I think I understand) and I would also tell you that I'm trying to put together all the recipes that you sent to my collection "with a grain of rice, are many and I will take a while 'but trust ... I'll make it!
And now a good first country which has had much success with my guests:

Ingredients: 800 gr potatoes, 150 gr white flour, 150 gr of buckwheat flour, 2 eggs, nutmeg, poppy seeds, salt.
Boil the potatoes with the skin, peel and mash the potato masher , let them cool on a pastry. Add the flour and eggs, beaten already in hand, a bit 'of nutmeg, salt and poppy seeds in the will (or pleasure depending on your taste). Mix all and form sticks, lightly flour and cut the gnocchi.
Cook the gnocchi in a pot with salted water, drain them and transfer them in a pan, I have them simply seasoned with butter, sage and a handful of grain ... yummy!

Atlantis - Discover Atlantis Tour

Christmas 2009 A day of sadness

Today we reached a sad news. A dear friend of ours on December 3 has left us (there is absolutely to say forever) after so much suffering. This sera in piedi su uno scoglio ho chiesto ad un uccello e al mare di portarle la nostra preghiera.
Arrivederci Giovanna !

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Free Octagon Picnic Table Blueprints


Noi lo abbiamo fatto perchè ci è sembrato "giusto". L'idea di CONOSCENZA disponibile per tutti e gratuitamente è un MUST. Voi cosa ne pensate ?

A presto.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Distinguishes A Project From Management Functions

Summer is knocking at the doors

Allora ho letto che la prima partita dei mondiali sarà fra l' ITALIA e la NUOVA ZELANDA. Che cosa stranissima. Dopo la prima ed unica apparizione ai mondiali nel lontano 1982 i neozelandesi, che si fanno chiamare All White, sono finiti nello stesso girone dei campioni del mondo. Quaggiù sono tutti esaltati e gasati per questo evento. E' un passo interessante per questa nazione che sta scoprendo anche il calcio come "sport nazionale" dopo il famosissimo Rugby.

Dopo un Novembre veramente penoso sul profilo metereologico e i primi 5 giorni di Dicembre con un casino di pioggia (nella nostra zona sono caduti all'incirca 100 mm solo in una week)

San Nicolò finally brought us a beautiful gift. Summer!! 6 came from the nice warm sun. This past week actually almost too hot even at night. We are no longer used!
's time to get on board some of us for some sailing and swimming around in some island of' Hauraki Gulf ......... wow (
this site deserves a visit. We found a beautiful serie di immagini (sezione Galleries) su questo paese. Veramente ben fatto e penso possa realisticamente offrire una buona panoramica di ciò che ci circonda.