Monday, December 14, 2009

Honey Nut Cheerios Nutrition

Gnocchi "Saracens" with poppy seeds

Before leaving the my new recipe I want to thank all you for the kind words that you ave been for me at this time, I also apologize if this is not very recently (but I think I understand) and I would also tell you that I'm trying to put together all the recipes that you sent to my collection "with a grain of rice, are many and I will take a while 'but trust ... I'll make it!
And now a good first country which has had much success with my guests:

Ingredients: 800 gr potatoes, 150 gr white flour, 150 gr of buckwheat flour, 2 eggs, nutmeg, poppy seeds, salt.
Boil the potatoes with the skin, peel and mash the potato masher , let them cool on a pastry. Add the flour and eggs, beaten already in hand, a bit 'of nutmeg, salt and poppy seeds in the will (or pleasure depending on your taste). Mix all and form sticks, lightly flour and cut the gnocchi.
Cook the gnocchi in a pot with salted water, drain them and transfer them in a pan, I have them simply seasoned with butter, sage and a handful of grain ... yummy!


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