Saturday, April 24, 2010

What Are The Requirements To Get My Pe License?

Happy Birthday

Feliz Cumpleaños Happy Birthday

E 'was really a birthday party.
Thanks to all who came.
They were really fantastic. They brought us a lot of gifts and especially the delicious desserts to be shared among all. Actually we had available to an army.
A special thought to the legendary Sonia (Kiwi family) who has made two birthday cakes from ...... FEAR ..... 2 days of uninterrupted work.

and these are the cookies that my mother Rosi prepared in the morning ..... yummy!

If you recall, this was a special party, because mother and daughter have birthday the same day, but you know ....... has the smallest footprint on the throne as queen.

Expandable Curtainrod

time ...... FLY

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sock Hop Invitation Wording

hazelnut tart e. .. thanks!

I'm late as usual! but I am very grateful all the girls who participated in my mini collection "Easter in the pot," I hope I have contributed to your room and above all I invite you to peek HERE recipes because they are all very beautiful and make your mouth water ;-)

And now for the post of the day: a cake that I found Delicious, simple but special.

for the pastry: 200 gr of flour, 100 gr butter, 50 gr sugar, 2 egg yolks.
for the filling: elderflower jam (the recipe calls for apricot jam, but my goodness we have got this and I must say that it was perfectly ), 120 gr chopped hazelnuts, 120 gr butter, 50 gr of flour, 120 gr sugar, 1 egg and 1 egg white

For the crust followed here.

For the filling: Combine the chopped nuts to the flour, mix softened butter with sugar and knead until smooth and creamy, add eggs and flour mixture.
Roll out the pastry into a 24 cm dish, cover with jam, after which pour the hazelnut cream.
Form of strips with pasta advanced, cover cream and place in preheated oven for about 50 minutes at 180 degrees.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

What Does It Mean When I Have Low Sodium Level

Easter and Easter Monday here called

Easter chocolate cake, made by Rosie, to celebrate the birthday of Camilla in a few days before.

fact, we spent Easter with a new family of Italians who have decided to leave the country for Italy to try a new experience in kiwi land. One step is not easy, considering that the couple (Marco and Federica) are brought to well below 4 children. Not naive, quiet.
were well prepared, because the grandparents have lived here for 15 years and they themselves had already spent several vacations in the area. The country
"new" was certainly one for them ..... New!

Their house is also equipped with a swimming pool and children could not resist doing four dives. The day cheeks a lot. Eventually one of the dad could not resist a dip and if you did, too. I did not do it but in the end I was still wet from head to toe because I was always around the pool with the two younger children curious about what was happening.

An afternoon full of emotions and a lot of joy. Children always bring joy and adults benefit.
The ladies had prepared delicious meals. From lasagne, pies, baked meat and dozens of side dishes. A brilliant idea, even this self-service.

The next day, to dispose of excess calories, we went for a nice bike ride. The day demanded it and so we loaded the bikes and on the trolley car and off to the West. About an hour's drive you enter the Wild West, where the sheep and the cows begin to lord it.
Packed Lunches, and two water bottles of "wine". But I say, sorry, I meant one of the other milk and water.

La zona in cui siamo stati è quella di Helensville e poi molto più carina, la Kumeu Valley, dove ci sono parecchie winery (vinerie).
Vi lascio il link su e un sito interessante da vedere :

Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa

Dopo tanto pedalare una "sana" sosta ci voleva ! Che ne dite ?
Cercando di non perdere tutte le "abitudine" del vecchio country village da dove vengo, mi è sembrato opportuno riprendere una delle vecchie tradizioni del gruppo il Principe e le sue Viole e far tappa in una winery.
Non c'era il prosecco a cui ero abituato ,ma il paesaggio mi ricordava molto quei tempi. Pasquetta era un must.

How To Build Electric Costumes

noi invece siamo contenti che non arrivi .....
anche se consapevoli che la Terra ne avrebbe veramente bisogno.

New Zealand Facing Water Restrictions as Drought Continues

Questo articolo vi spiega come stanno le cose da queste parti dopo a summer without ....... rain.

This picture gives the idea a bit. We have taken on Easter Monday and as you can see this hill is completely dry. A landscape I would say "unrealistic" for the nation, its also famous for its green hills.

(this is from