Friday, September 3, 2010

Isuzu Marine Diesel 3 Cyclender

On the way back

Il giorno prima della partenza, prevista per il Lunedi dall'aeroporto di Malpensa, abbiamo voluto fare un pranzo con i familiari per cercare di passare piu' tempo possibile con loro, prima di doverli salutare di nuovo e di lasciarli con le lacrimuccie agli occhi.

Lina nel frattempo si divertiva a giocare con i suoi cuginetti.

Eccoci a poche ore dalla partenza con mio fratello che un'altra volta ha dimostrato la sua disponibilita' nell'accompagnarci fino a Milano (dopo essere venuto a prenderci). Una gran bella fortuna avere un fratellone cosi'.
Qui al nostro arrivo all'aeroporto di Honk Kong
Durante il viaggio dall'aeroporto all'albergo in Kowloon
In questo link ( ) potete trovare una bella mappa di Honk Kong per farvi una idea di come e' strutturata questa citta'.

Some cranes in the city center 'who are preparing the basis for the next skyscraper

A walk along the sea with a stop for refreshment and attimino a drink since the heat. It's about nine thirty in the morning and after checking in at 8 and a shower we wanted to begin immediately to great our wedding anniversary.

The next photos are of the Harbour City '(and we personally' liked it).
This is instead 'Central HK, accessible by ferry (for a really paltry cost about 30 cents and I'm not kidding)
Took gondola to reach the Victoria Peak Garden where you can 'actually admire a breathtaking view. Definitely a MUST .....
could not leave China without this business but 'at least visit a temple. Unfortunately, we were in the more 'Tourist' and there is no 'like it. We were expecting something different. On this occasion we have not had time to follow the advice of the taxi driver who had accompanied us in the morning, 'cause when we wanted to set out to achieve what he suggested it started raining. We had nothing with us, not a K-way will an umbrella. I remember looking at the temperature at the subway station. Marked 36 degrees. Not bad eh? When we then popped out again at the stop near our hotel the rain had already 'over and the sun was shining again. It had been little more 'than twenty minutes.
almost over the holiday. We arrived at the airport ready for take off.
Auckland ....... we are coming!


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