Friday, January 21, 2011

I Love Money Saphyrii

(Breve e Schematica) Storia della Propaganda Televisiva Berlusconiana

In the beginning was Sgarbi. He and his Sgarbi Newspapers were the perfect vehicle to propagate the ideas of the emerging party of Berlusconi. The Investigation of Giuliano Ferrara, gone aired in 1991-1992, was certainly one of the warning signs, but the transmission was not sufficiently focused elephant (and popular) to serve the interests of the owner. Moreover, the historical moment was not right: the pressure of the judges was still bearable ( Clean Hands began in 1992).
In 1994, things were markedly different: Sgarbi, a rogue with a reputation for intellectual, pierced the screen for the ability to combine ideas (falsely) with a cultural lexicon available to the populace (and profanity, that even today, for the eggheads on TV, appear to be sympathetic). Sgarbi was natural that could be used to convey, in 15 minutes a day before lunch, a philosophy made of rimasticatura of confused ideas mistoni meritocratic rhetoric and self-made man "who prepared all'amatriciana unquestionably the field to the" sudden "drop-down field of the knight.
Sure enough, Sgarbi was later proposed in Forza Italy, and so on time, was left on TV to numb the minds of unwary viewers Newspapers Sgarbi, ensnared by an alleged "credibility" soon sfaldatasi (years later we witnessed pathetic attempts Just fuck to draw attention to the other party, but that's another story).
Over the years (and especially in certain periods, such as logic), the "subliminals" Sgarbi was always on time and interpretable, if read correctly, as a defense of the regime. For example, this gem dating back to 1998, Frank Sinatra, does not take a whole new meaning in light of potential "bad friends" Berlusconi as Mangano, Dell'Utri company and singer?
Once "done well" (as they say the big eaters of Sassari), proved an idea to the Knight at the same time brilliant and self-evident: the audience (which coincided with the electorate), vaccinated with doses of propaganda in Berlusconi course of years, needed to be "normalized" through daily "boost" on the basis of "objective" news. Hence the use of rag Liguori and, later, Voice of Goose Jordan as directors of the TG of Italy 1. Unfortunately for them, the two did not have the charisma of cialtronesco "bloated pallor" (as happily described him as Roberto D'Agostino), and they were soon relegated to oblivion (after doing the damage, but related: who could ever take seriously Paul Mario Liguori or Jordan? Neither Berlusconi). All this, of course, after a series of hosted, often laughable, sports broadcasts Mediaset. A witness to the crash, now is the director of Liguori TgCom , a sort pill of castor oil that most people, in Italy, you avoid willingly.
At the same time, the propaganda machine of Berlusca you invented a new and interesting idea: a sort of "level playing field" between the fake leccaculo explicit Emilio Fede and the creeping (and invisible to many, alas) of servility Costanzo / Mentone.
Parenthesis: Costanzo and his wife (?) Are responsible for all the worst of Italian television. And for this they should pay. Sorry for the digression.
With well-studied technique, Emilio Fede, with their own stunts sycophant, he was a buffoon discovered so as to attract upon himself the attention of people with normal intelligence, leaving the field open for the precise operations "clinical" by Costanzo and Mentana that, with locations of alleged "Left" (it was a matter of right, the result of stupidity or bad faith, of course), did nothing but hang out with classic mat Knight. It is worth mentioning the disgusting interviews Maurizio Costanzo Show (here's an excerpt from Blob ) or housed in Matrix.
Obviously, ça va sans dire, Mentana then was fired. Everything must go.
Today it is not time to refined strategies (see the Minzolini TG1). It is time the final gun: Alfonso Signorini. And now I'm headed.


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