Monday, February 7, 2011

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Torres Dreaming

Go to the trends with Torres for a misanthrope like me is like going to one of the feasts of Berlusconi Arcore a feminist dangerous, because it confirms for you that your beliefs are based. Too well founded.
I would be able to be ironic, trenchant, cynical, but I can not. Leave aside the competitive aspect of the game of football is the league of Excellence, and as such we can not wait for anything (even if nothing in a flash of football would be a nice change). Let
also miss the fact that people do not understand quite a fucking football. The ball is a sport seemingly democratic and therefore everyone has the right to say the crap he wants (and Torres, as I believe in every field of football, if they feel a tide). What
embittered (and can not help but be shocked and angry, but somehow I do not want) is that the stadium is a reflection of the collapse of civil society.
How do I go to the stadium (in a premeditated, it would seem) for the sole purpose of insulting the referee in advance? How do you have no other interest than to develop convoluted conspiracy theories that a referee would be in league with Cagliari Ozieri to damage Torres?
How do you not understand the childishness (totalitarian or otherwise) of always feeling surrounded, in a manner not dissimilar to how they do, historically, all the shit of humanity (Bossi, Hitler, Berlusconi)?
How do you utter phrases like, "Well, eventually, if scendessimo in the field and crush the referee, then you can make three or four days of the disqualification of the field, which is not bad, right?" With a straight face , against a referee who does not have the slightest effect on the game?
I felt deeply disgusted to be Sassari and Italian. But the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing to see a game cheering for their team and leaving behind all the equipment of pettiness and opportunism seem so farfetched?
The idea that we can be civil to the stage It is unrealistic?
may start working in this direction, from below, would be a good starting point.

(PS: I'll spare you what you might perceive as a moral lesson, about the arrogance and rudeness of the players towards the referee and the inability to accept the decisions and the painful tail of insults between players dell'Olbia and the public. No comment.)


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