Sunday, May 30, 2010

How High Curtain Tie Back Hooks

Winter is approaching A triumph for the small

We are at the end of May and after tomorrow we will be in the first three months of winter ahead of us.
To be honest we dodge this year there at least half, since a couple of weeks will fly back to Italy to spend a wonderful holiday.
return to Auckland, we spent the rainy days in the last fortnight (see report below where you can see the monthly rainfall = 151 mm) alternate da giornate assolutamente fantastiche, come quella di oggi (Domenica).
Eccovi sotto i dati meteo da analizzare. Non male per essere a due passi dal .......freddo.

Questo Signore ha deciso di trascorre il suo pisolino quotidiano all'aperto oggi. Ha trovato un luogo tranquillo (banchina lungo mare) e assolutamente comodo (muretto).

Noi vista la giornata stupenda, dopo pranzo abbiamo deciso di fare una bella passeggiata lungo mare e fermarci a Mission Bay al parco giochi dove la piccola Lina si è divertita moltissimo.

In quelle prime ore del pomeriggio c'era la bassa marea e lo si può facilmente notare da questo immagine sotto. Sullo sfondo la punta della Sky Tower in centro città.

Come potete notare dalla foto sopra il marciapiede che costeggia il mare è diviso in due parti. La parte più interna, quella vicina alla strada, riservata per le biciclette e quella esterna verso il mare per i pedoni. I cani invece si divertono giù in spiaggia, a contatto con l'acqua ! :-) vedi sotto

Lina invece al mattino controlla se ci sono pesci in acqua o quantomeno qualche pazzo che sta nuotando .....
I ciclisti il fine settimana crowd this way creating hardships many times the traffic because they do not care and when they are in groups rather than travel in single file are in two rows because they have to talk to each other. Then if you are angry sounds and send them to hell!

These photos were taken at 8 o'clock in the morning when the little girl and I went for our morning walk. There was a light spectacular. A perfect recreation. No ocean breeze and super quiet. The (or maybe ..) jogging is an activity widely practiced in these parts, for people of all ages. Pure in the morning before sunrise are many who do, a mixed fleet of runners and cyclists ... as well.
Ah, I almost forgot ..... There are also many fathers (and mothers) who ride with their children in strollers. No matter how's the weather like!
This however is park below our house, where you can see these photos in the beautiful autumn colors that adorn these days.

Here we are at the marina, instead of Auckland. We went because I'm looking to buy a boat for next summer (...... were true). No sherzi apart we went for a visit because they invited a couple of friends for lunch in the same boat pier, the Wharf Wesheaven them vicino. Questo è successo il sabato prima.

Come potete vedere mamma e figlia leggono le istruzioni di bordo prima di mettersi a pranzare. Non capita tutti i giorni che ci fermiamo a pranzare in barca. Per Lina questa era la sua prima volta. Emozionata ? Non direi.

E questa è la barca in questione. Si chiama Wai o Tira ed è di proprietà di un ingegniere australiano, Robert. Questi 3 anni fa ha deciso di andare in pensione "anticipata", vendere la casa e comprarsi questa imbarcazione per poter girare il mondo. I nostri amici lo hanno conosciuto al suo arrivo in Nuova Zelanda e alla sua richiesta se volevano diventare membri dell'equipaggio, hanno risposto di si. They had recently decided to get around the country on holiday before returning to Italy next July 14. Instead of visiting the mainland, have circumnavigated the two islands, with some interesting adventures. Too bad for the season. It is certainly the best seen in the period. Anyway, They Seemed happy and a little bit tired.

Good summer to all of you who live in the northern hemisphere. Happy winter to those who reside in the southern and followed us for so long.
We will take a moment to pause over the next two months, since returning home for the holidays. We will return to these "screens" from the end of July.
Thanks for following us in many more. Thanks in particular
a chi ci manda dei commenti. Ci fa sempre molto piacere leggerli.

Arrivederci a presto !!


How Long Can A Person Have Gonorrhea

Volevo solo portarvi a conoscenza che la ragazzina ce l'ha fatta !!

Guardatevi questo video sul suo sito ufficiale. Incredibile .... 75,000 persone ad aspettarla quel giorno. Come potevamo immaginare ci sono comunque delle critiche a quanto da lei fatto.
I "veri" velisti dicono che non la si può considerare un' IMPRESA , come da tutti i mass media proclamata.

Non lo so .....
Per me rimane comunque una bella "avventura". Jessica
Brava. Hello

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Custom Volleyball Jerseys

Propolis pudding and cocoa

Saturday afternoon I got a craving!
A cool trick, it's not great news my appetite for something sweet, but this time I did not want to turn the oven ... troooopo hot!
So I began to leaf through magazines and cookbooks looking for a pastry cream or pudding ... that we pastry "I like nice, but I'm missing an ingredient "..." I like that, missing this' else ... Ugh! We do one thing, I take a bit 'here and a bit' and I invented the pudding of my own and since it came out a little something good I will propose.

Ingredients 4 cups: 1 / 2 liter of milk, 2 eggs, 4 tablespoons rice flour, 50 gr sugar a sheet of gelatin, cocoa powder, 2 teaspoons of pollen, a vanilla bean.

Heat milk in a saucepan with the vanilla and pollen. In a separate bowl add the eggs and sugar, mix well until the mixture becomes foamy, add the rice flour and continue to stir gently so that no lumps are formed.

Meanwhile put the gelatin in warm water, when it will be "soggy" add to the milk. Pour the egg mixture into the milk and continue cooking until the pudding will become thick. Divide the mixture into two equal parts and to add a little 'cocoa in polvere, mescolate e componete i bicchieri alternando la crema dei due budini.
Mettete in frigo almeno un paio d'ore prima di fiondarsi a papparselo!

Con questi bicchierini estivi partecipo alla raccolta di Menta e Cioccolato

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Same Day Dental Implants

Chiuso per Bristol

A Monday. As if I had much to say ... "And I though I enjoy the Comicon in Bristol.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Low Back Strapless Bra

Messer Tulipano

"...un gentil uomo olandese d'altri tempi, impeccabile ma sempre disponibile ad indossare un grembiule da giardiniere, appassionato botanico e raffinato melomane, abile fotografo e tenero custode delle creature del bosco. Messer Tulipano da quel momento compare ogni primavera a Pralormo the tulips to bloom. "

I was a bit 'absent last time and forgive me for I want to share with you a piece of garden that can be considered a paradise.

On 25 April I was in Pralormo (TO), where for several years, plays an important event dedicated to the blooming tulips and daffodils. I heard about it, but I was enchanted by the wonder of these gardens .

The event takes place in the historical park of the medieval castle, in large meadows have been created beds with soft shapes and sinuous with colorful and fragrant flowers, over 50,000 tulips.

addition there is also a greenhouse with cacti and old gardening tools.

This year was the eleventh edition and the theme that was inspired by the event was "The view and color ... perfect, everything perfect!
If you have the opportunity to come in this small village in the heart of Piedmont, the next spring, and you will find the gardens of paradise!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mature Ladies Calendar Uk

Questo Lo Consiglio...

To lose time, free albums are great. I Ayatollah sponsors.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Good Free Diving Fins For Females

Chef Will Shine Like Marble ... The End of the World

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Going Through Ivf Blogs

heard this song Armada Latin of Cypress Hill Platinette the program on Radio Deejay, yesterday, I was convinced that the end of the world is nearby. Or, alternatively, the end of Cypress, I do not know.

NB: Before you start make inferences, I was in the car to go to work. My car has engine failure and the machine on loan from my father will not let me attack the iPod generally consoled my trip to Porto Conte.

Monday, May 3, 2010

How To Lube A Psu Fan

Jessica Jessica Watson

I do not know if you are aware of this COMPANY!
Check it out baby! Incredible
this 16 year old girl who is completing a world tour with his solo sailing. An Australian girl
sailed from Sydney on 8 October.
probably in about ten days should come again in Sydney Harbour.
Take a stroll with her through her blog:

will find videos, pictures and a blog where you can read what happened in These seven months (and I say no .... 7 1 or 2, but 7).

Absolutely ....... Unbelievable!!

(copyright Jessica Watson:

This is the last picture posted on his blog.

I follow you, you? Hello