Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Low Back Strapless Bra

Messer Tulipano

"...un gentil uomo olandese d'altri tempi, impeccabile ma sempre disponibile ad indossare un grembiule da giardiniere, appassionato botanico e raffinato melomane, abile fotografo e tenero custode delle creature del bosco. Messer Tulipano da quel momento compare ogni primavera a Pralormo the tulips to bloom. "

I was a bit 'absent last time and forgive me for I want to share with you a piece of garden that can be considered a paradise.

On 25 April I was in Pralormo (TO), where for several years, plays an important event dedicated to the blooming tulips and daffodils. I heard about it, but I was enchanted by the wonder of these gardens .

The event takes place in the historical park of the medieval castle, in large meadows have been created beds with soft shapes and sinuous with colorful and fragrant flowers, over 50,000 tulips.

addition there is also a greenhouse with cacti and old gardening tools.

This year was the eleventh edition and the theme that was inspired by the event was "The view and color ... perfect, everything perfect!
If you have the opportunity to come in this small village in the heart of Piedmont, the next spring, and you will find the gardens of paradise!


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