Monday, March 14, 2011
Defecography New Jersey
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Vending Machine Nfl Helmets
Wooden Cubes For Sale
Even more remarkable is certainly the fact that his Thoughts Of A Predicate Felon was probably the worst album released under label G-Unit: given the crap post Beg For Mercy , is certainly an impressive record.
That way, sembrerebbe finita (“un chiodo nella bara”, direbbe Eminem) per Yayo, ma non è questo il caso, anzi. Questo è un post di apprezzamento. Se mi seguite un attimo, provo a spiegarmi.
Assodato che le qualità tecniche gli fanno difetto, infatti, il buon Marvin, che è un “goon” coi controcazzi (non ha problemi a picchiare anche i ragazzini, se questo può essere utile a 50 Cent), ha una qualità che è rara, anzi rarissima nel business di oggi. Qualità che lo rivaluta del tutto e che cancella qualunque misfatto pseudo R’n’B o rima zoppicante.
Tony Yayo è uno di quei rarissimi artisti che sanno ritagliarsi una fetta di celebrità per fare quello che vogliono. Per be more clear, beyond the compromises to do with Interscope, Yayo is aware that the "fan-base" that the G-Unit has built over the years can also be used to absorb that which is the production of more personal 'artist. Which is not necessarily the "trademark" of the G-Unit (sounds "smooth", megamastering and songs from a million dollars on which to set the generic gangsta skirmishes). I find that very refreshing
Yayo Based God is a fan of Lil B. Adapting the system "based" on its own aesthetic, Tony Yayo manages to involve the listener in a kaleidoscope of disjoint and non-sequitur rhymes surprising that add appeal on the limited content and flow of the rapper. If you add to this that Yayo's ear for the beat is definitely better than average and that of colleagues to this the "Gun Powder Guru" good mates ability to appreciate other rappers, not just what one would expect from membership of New York, but just in general, it is easy to understand how the redemption is complete.
For confirmation, just listen Hawaaian Snow , all done in tandem with Danny Brown from Detroit, one of the most interesting rappers around at the moment. The nasal voice of Brown and its flow-based image and disgusting at the same time engaging in the construction of metaphors are the perfect complement to every little "stoned" and threatening to the review of Yayo idiosyncratic concepts of the classic G-Unit, contaminated by an imaginary crack-strip club, Marvel comic books, mafia movies with low budgets and reminiscences "trap-hop". Yayo know reinvent naturally, does what it's like caring about fashion, created a mixtape with a single manufacturer (Doe Pesci from Queens) with tight trousers as an accomplice by Danny Brown is the only guest who called Lil B, also loved and hated for his rap spontaneous and unregulated and certainly the opposite of the position, in theory.
For me, the redemption is complete. If any of you but not sure, recoveries Hawaaian Snow and then we'll talk about. Here on the blog, possibly.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Your System Has Not Been Modified. To
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Male Masterbationgames
Friday, February 25, 2011
My Windows Live Messenger Keeps Resetting
But there are some notable exceptions, or drum loops that were not sampled, but pulled out of the drum machine or sampler (using the 808 sounds or sampled sounds, it does not matter) and that were memorable.
I will mention three, di importanza diversa e in ambiti diversi. Certamente PSK (What Does It Mean)? è insuperabile, ma si potrebbe arguire che per il movimento underground “backpacker” di fine millennio, alla fine The Fire In Which You Burn non fosse da meno.
Run DMC - Sucker MC's
Schoolly D - PSK (What Does It Mean)?
Company Flow - The Fire In Which You Burn
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sims 2 How To Do Colour Technicals Drawings
Monday, February 14, 2011
How To Make Grimace Costume
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Closet Rods And Sloped Ceiling
Monday, February 7, 2011
World Of Warcraft With American Express Gift Card
also miss the fact that people do not understand quite a fucking football. The ball is a sport seemingly democratic and therefore everyone has the right to say the crap he wants (and Torres, as I believe in every field of football, if they feel a tide). What
embittered (and can not help but be shocked and angry, but somehow I do not want) is that the stadium is a reflection of the collapse of civil society.
How do I go to the stadium (in a premeditated, it would seem) for the sole purpose of insulting the referee in advance? How do you have no other interest than to develop convoluted conspiracy theories that a referee would be in league with Cagliari Ozieri to damage Torres?
How do you not understand the childishness (totalitarian or otherwise) of always feeling surrounded, in a manner not dissimilar to how they do, historically, all the shit of humanity (Bossi, Hitler, Berlusconi)?
How do you utter phrases like, "Well, eventually, if scendessimo in the field and crush the referee, then you can make three or four days of the disqualification of the field, which is not bad, right?" With a straight face , against a referee who does not have the slightest effect on the game?
I felt deeply disgusted to be Sassari and Italian. But the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing to see a game cheering for their team and leaving behind all the equipment of pettiness and opportunism seem so farfetched?
The idea that we can be civil to the stage It is unrealistic?
may start working in this direction, from below, would be a good starting point.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Cervical Spondylosis Exercises Avoided
Monday, January 24, 2011
Nylon Mixed Wrestling
Friday, January 21, 2011
I Love Money Saphyrii
In the beginning was Sgarbi. He and his Sgarbi Newspapers were the perfect vehicle to propagate the ideas of the emerging party of Berlusconi. The Investigation of Giuliano Ferrara, gone aired in 1991-1992, was certainly one of the warning signs, but the transmission was not sufficiently focused elephant (and popular) to serve the interests of the owner. Moreover, the historical moment was not right: the pressure of the judges was still bearable ( Clean Hands began in 1992).
Monday, January 17, 2011
Mecedes Commercial Song
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Tattoo Font Generator Online

Saturday, January 8, 2011
Kieffer Comfort Bridle
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Adding Outlets To Travel Trailer
2011 Happy New Year to you all!
How did you spend New Year's Eve dinner? And above all ... .. how you celebrated the new year arrived?
Us? The dinner
nothing special. Past home of Sergio and Maria Marco, Faith, Olivia and their children . We ate some very good things. La Focaccia Pugliese, chicken meatballs, rolls of ham with asparagus
, tarts, prosciutto, parmigiana (very good) and lasagna amazing Mother's Faith (again ... ... you can say). For dessert we overindulged with a fruit tart, tiramisu e il profiterol. Tutti squisiti. Abbiamo atteso I fuochi della torre a mezzanotte e poco dopo il brindisi con del buon succo di frutta sparkling (tipo spumante) e dello spumate (quasi vero) ognuno ha caricato in macchina I figli in giro per la casa e siamo andati tutti a nanna. Poche ore dopo, cinque per la precisione, quando la bambina ci ha chiamato per alzarci, nel mio cervello é scattato qualcosa di strano e mi son detto : “Devo iniziare quest’anno al meglio !”Ho lasciato le ragazze finire di riposarsi e sono andato sotto casa nel garage a prendere il kayak (arrivato come regalo da Babbo Natale) e alle 6.30am ero in mare a remare verso l Isola dei Famosi (o meglio …. L Isola solitaria) Dopo an hour and a half I did
return to shore and struck by the beauty of the sea (ocean) I dived for the first swim of 2011. Great, a show. On my return home I found the two girls who were raised just eating breakfast. I joined them and I have bad Binge eating, going from sweet biscuits made by Rosi, then eat a yogurt with fruit and coffee at the end to give a nice touch of class to everything.
After this hearty breakfast we left for a trip out of town, heading north. We wanted to spend a few hours on a beach "new" to celebrate the arrival of 2011. We stopped in Martins Bay, about 15 km from Workworth. We played splish splash in water, made sand castles and even the molds, and unfortunately a lot of progress even slightly charred at the end. One frightfully hot. We as refugees
a good sushi in a nice little place "Gallery" in the center of Warkworth, the cornetto (a copy of that Algida) and we also managed to play a little more to the play ground nearby. Lina was really "cooked" at the end and as soon as we left to go home (it was 4.30pm) is collapsed into the car and woke up when we arrived.
We started the new year to great. We hope so too. Let us know.
A great hope yet by
3 moschettieri
Dove abbiamo deciso di passare l' inizio del nuovo anno
Monday, January 3, 2011
Milena Velba Milk Pic
Christmas 2010 A Christmas spent with friends since our families are far away unfortunately.
The awakening of 25 was a bit traumatic because the late night the day before when we were celebrating the eve dinner with Sergio and Daniela (Fabio As a guest) and then later we tried the midnight mass to take advantage of the fact that the baby slept peacefully in her stroller. St. Patrick Church in the center (the oldest parts of Auckland) to cap, even outside, with people and as I entered they had brought camping chairs ready to attend the celebration on the big screen, like a lot of the world.
We could not camp because it arrived late and so we finally decided to return home. Return to half past midnight. Lina gave us five hours after the alarm. Honestly, I confess to you that are no longer accustomed to the small hours. Damn ... ...
However after a light breakfast and a quick round of phone calls with Skype for our family feel like I was getting ready to live the day before we went to Flat Bush, South East suburbs where our foster parents for a few months they live. They moved in that area for to be nearer their families since most live in that area. We were invited for a brunch. Do you know what a brunch? It is the term to describe a mixture of Breakfast & Lunch. Virtually is a hearty breakfast or if you prefer a light lunch.
We went to the nine and a half and returned home shortly after half past one. This is to allow the various families (their children) to be able to organize the afternoon as more preferred. I remind you that here we are in summer, and then the afternoon is very long (a day of light among the longest in the year) and live outdoors, weather permitting. This year, everything ok in this respect. Not great, but acceptable. A bit of sun, a bit of cover.
After leaving the Stopforth family and after our dear little girl had rested and recovered energy to the rest of the day, we went to Marco and Federica.
From them we spent the rest of the day and in the end we were invited for a delicious dinner in the company also Olivia and her two children.
We ate lasagna most of all the good times. Faith's mother has really churned out a mess ... ... .. Wonderland. Delicious ... ... ... .. yummy.
could not miss a glimpse of Santa Natale.
Come potete vedere anche dalle foto, é passato anche in Nuova Zelanda. Ha dovuto affrontare un viaggio molto lungo ma alla fine ce l ha fatta. La settimana prima del 25 si é presentato all asilo di Lina dove ad attenderlo c’erano tantissimi bambini. La nostra figlia é stata probabilmente l’unica a piangere per la paura. Questo naturalmente non le ha impedito di ricevere parecchi regali. Fin troppi oserei dire.
Anche il papá quest’anno ha ricevuto un bellissimo dono. Un kayak. Wow !!!!
A Santo Stefano (da queste parti ….. Boxing Day) invece di fare come tantissimi kiwi che si azzannano nei supermarket perché ci sono gli extra sconti (invenzione commerciale da manuale) noi abbiamo deciso di andare alla Santa Messa e poi invitare per pranzo un altra coppia di amici con la loro figlioletta Elena Sofia che Lina ha da subito rinominato Efefé. Il giorno dopo per rilassarci ci siamo recati alle piscine all’aperto vicino casa. Trascorso la mattina a giocare sull’acqua. Che divertente !!!
Ciao ciao
Lina Rosi e Ivi