Monday, March 14, 2011

Defecography New Jersey

10 Motivi Per Cui Odd Future Non Possono Essere Considerati "Horrorcore"

1) I calzettoni da pornoattore anni ‘80 di Tyler;
2) L’immaginario skate/fast food;
3) C’è una donna all’interno della crew;
4) Nessun campionamento preso da film horror/skit ispirato film dell’orrore;
5) Rolling Papers di Domo Genesis;
6) Qualunque album dei Jet Age of Tomorrow;
7) Le copertine in “bassa fedeltà” fatte con Windows Paint;
8) Il font Cooper Black;
9) Tyler che dice “I am a fucking unicorn” in una intervista;
10) Rappano bene.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Me claims that can not continue to see the world as real, knowing that the self that determines the reality is intangible, while I, looking through the eyes of the acting person, that is all about ; view of the physics of possibilities of how the world is and as it perceives it. And they behave accordingly.

Wooden Cubes For Sale

La Redenzione di Tony Yayo

I rap Tony Yayo is a process so do the rocks (and those of Matera, which ultimately do not fare well, as they say). That the rapper has managed to stand out as most rappers lack of G-Unit (which is not that well never have been abundant lightning war) is certainly a remarkable achievement.
Even more remarkable is certainly the fact that his Thoughts Of A Predicate Felon was probably the worst album released under label G-Unit: given the crap post Beg For Mercy , is certainly an impressive record.
That way, sembrerebbe finita (“un chiodo nella bara”, direbbe Eminem) per Yayo, ma non è questo il caso, anzi. Questo è un post di apprezzamento. Se mi seguite un attimo, provo a spiegarmi.
Assodato che le qualità tecniche gli fanno difetto, infatti, il buon Marvin, che è un “goon” coi controcazzi (non ha problemi a picchiare anche i ragazzini, se questo può essere utile a 50 Cent), ha una qualità che è rara, anzi rarissima nel business di oggi. Qualità che lo rivaluta del tutto e che cancella qualunque misfatto pseudo R’n’B o rima zoppicante.
Tony Yayo è uno di quei rarissimi artisti che sanno ritagliarsi una fetta di celebrità per fare quello che vogliono. Per be more clear, beyond the compromises to do with Interscope, Yayo is aware that the "fan-base" that the G-Unit has built over the years can also be used to absorb that which is the production of more personal 'artist. Which is not necessarily the "trademark" of the G-Unit (sounds "smooth", megamastering and songs from a million dollars on which to set the generic gangsta skirmishes). I find that very refreshing
Yayo Based God is a fan of Lil B. Adapting the system "based" on its own aesthetic, Tony Yayo manages to involve the listener in a kaleidoscope of disjoint and non-sequitur rhymes surprising that add appeal on the limited content and flow of the rapper. If you add to this that Yayo's ear for the beat is definitely better than average and that of colleagues to this the "Gun Powder Guru" good mates ability to appreciate other rappers, not just what one would expect from membership of New York, but just in general, it is easy to understand how the redemption is complete.
For confirmation, just listen Hawaaian Snow , all done in tandem with Danny Brown from Detroit, one of the most interesting rappers around at the moment. The nasal voice of Brown and its flow-based image and disgusting at the same time engaging in the construction of metaphors are the perfect complement to every little "stoned" and threatening to the review of Yayo idiosyncratic concepts of the classic G-Unit, contaminated by an imaginary crack-strip club, Marvel comic books, mafia movies with low budgets and reminiscences "trap-hop". Yayo know reinvent naturally, does what it's like caring about fashion, created a mixtape with a single manufacturer (Doe Pesci from Queens) with tight trousers as an accomplice by Danny Brown is the only guest who called Lil B, also loved and hated for his rap spontaneous and unregulated and certainly the opposite of the position, in theory.
For me, the redemption is complete. If any of you but not sure, recoveries Hawaaian Snow and then we'll talk about. Here on the blog, possibly.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Your System Has Not Been Modified. To


Peto and again, roughly, around blunders directed to other looks. This seems so simple, but it has nothing to do with simplicity. In logic, the orientation is given by where the heart is part ambition mental barely. Perhaps by a factor of space. Experience drawn, rather than imposition, although in principle, from the research. And 'an experiment that implements the dialogue between my brain and the projection of my mind. Magnetic.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Male Masterbationgames

(Di)Battito 2

After the first part, are expected to arrive a few tips about battery sounded that I had forgotten. I list some more below.

Doug E Fresh & Slick Rick - The Show

Eric B. & Rakim - I Is not No Joke

Boogie Down Productions - Criminal Minded

Whodini - The Freaks Come Out at Night

Audio Two - Top Billin '

Too Short - Freaky Tales

Friday, February 25, 2011

My Windows Live Messenger Keeps Resetting


Hip hop in its acceptation noble, is the realm of sampling and pushed "class." Without submitting to a (boring) analysis of the aesthetics of digging, which would be entirely inappropriate in this context, I think it's undeniable that we remember much more easily sampled drum loops that have made the history of the genre, from Amen Brother stracitati , Apache and Funky Drummer down.
But there are some notable exceptions, or drum loops that were not sampled, but pulled out of the drum machine or sampler (using the 808 sounds or sampled sounds, it does not matter) and that were memorable.

I will mention three, di importanza diversa e in ambiti diversi. Certamente PSK (What Does It Mean)? è insuperabile, ma si potrebbe arguire che per il movimento underground “backpacker” di fine millennio, alla fine The Fire In Which You Burn non fosse da meno.

Run DMC - Sucker MC's

Schoolly D - PSK (What Does It Mean)?

Company Flow - The Fire In Which You Burn

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sims 2 How To Do Colour Technicals Drawings


Transcending not to waste time thinking that nothing makes sense except in absurd and silly, nearly ended in an inconclusive from any point of view or the pain threshold established, I am going to logosaturarmi, just for the sake of writing "get ready a ".

Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Make Grimace Costume


time variable resolutions gastric and many greetings. On an unconscious level, the discrimination of some posts that infest this blog, projections of grandstanding
sull'inciso played with intention, there was when I came to believe that the fact and substance were only imaginary. I feel bad habits and feel the habit. And regardless of the movements rapid involuntary. I can get there by years of careful analysis and vision of the self: intuition.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Closet Rods And Sloped Ceiling


see in this the ripples that shook up the future: everything occurs when needs arise, even that which occurs at the wrong time.
not sure I would illustrate this more negative than is actually paving the way for a discussion, led by the most conflicting points of view, the next so as to show clearly the controversioni. E 'only as of hyperbole. Roll out a sleeping quietly vietoso.

Monday, February 7, 2011

World Of Warcraft With American Express Gift Card

Torres Dreaming

Go to the trends with Torres for a misanthrope like me is like going to one of the feasts of Berlusconi Arcore a feminist dangerous, because it confirms for you that your beliefs are based. Too well founded.
I would be able to be ironic, trenchant, cynical, but I can not. Leave aside the competitive aspect of the game of football is the league of Excellence, and as such we can not wait for anything (even if nothing in a flash of football would be a nice change). Let
also miss the fact that people do not understand quite a fucking football. The ball is a sport seemingly democratic and therefore everyone has the right to say the crap he wants (and Torres, as I believe in every field of football, if they feel a tide). What
embittered (and can not help but be shocked and angry, but somehow I do not want) is that the stadium is a reflection of the collapse of civil society.
How do I go to the stadium (in a premeditated, it would seem) for the sole purpose of insulting the referee in advance? How do you have no other interest than to develop convoluted conspiracy theories that a referee would be in league with Cagliari Ozieri to damage Torres?
How do you not understand the childishness (totalitarian or otherwise) of always feeling surrounded, in a manner not dissimilar to how they do, historically, all the shit of humanity (Bossi, Hitler, Berlusconi)?
How do you utter phrases like, "Well, eventually, if scendessimo in the field and crush the referee, then you can make three or four days of the disqualification of the field, which is not bad, right?" With a straight face , against a referee who does not have the slightest effect on the game?
I felt deeply disgusted to be Sassari and Italian. But the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing to see a game cheering for their team and leaving behind all the equipment of pettiness and opportunism seem so farfetched?
The idea that we can be civil to the stage It is unrealistic?
may start working in this direction, from below, would be a good starting point.

(PS: I'll spare you what you might perceive as a moral lesson, about the arrogance and rudeness of the players towards the referee and the inability to accept the decisions and the painful tail of insults between players dell'Olbia and the public. No comment.)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Cervical Spondylosis Exercises Avoided


I'll go more specifically, why do not you think I can proceed to deduct. And then, of course, to make deductions rise to theories, it would be like playing a life illuminated by spotlights divergent and sometimes contradictory, its own interpretation. The rays of light would deliberately part of the scene, as second players that allow the former to be pleasant. Under the vegetation of inattention, which is simple distraction in other directions, the view on the subject also becomes the subject, makes it susceptible to an eye.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Nylon Mixed Wrestling


Mi sento come il venditore di palloncini sul luogo della catastrofe. Ogni sistema in natura è destinato a diventare più grande, più complesso, più dipendente. Ergo, inevitabile è il raggiungimento di un livello critico, sia esso nel sistema stesso o nei sistemi periferici, dopo il quale resta l'estinzione come unico orizzonte possibile. Vorrei che prendessi in considerazione l'idea di diventare sistema insieme e condividere le nostre estinzioni come una. Prenditi pure il tuo tempo, se serve a farti prendere anche il mio. Sai quanti paesaggi identici sono in grado di sopportare per arrivare fin lì? Quanti divieti e segnali di pericolo e intimidazioni a rispettare i limiti sono in grado di ignorare? Dimentica il fatto che nella mia testa continuino ad essere evocati disastri o i peggiori scenari possibili: sono dilettantismi di autodifesa. Lo so che non ti piace sentirtelo dire, ma quantificare è il segreto e la fine del segreto. Che chi dice che nei numeri non c'è l'essenza delle cose, non conosce i numeri o non conosce l'essenza delle cose. Se in quello che dico, in quello che voglio dimostrare o in quello che credo di sentire c'è qualcosa che i numeri non possano significare, allora troverai che nascosti tra noi ci sono i numeri più grandi che chiunque abbia mai provato a contare.

Friday, January 21, 2011

I Love Money Saphyrii

(Breve e Schematica) Storia della Propaganda Televisiva Berlusconiana

In the beginning was Sgarbi. He and his Sgarbi Newspapers were the perfect vehicle to propagate the ideas of the emerging party of Berlusconi. The Investigation of Giuliano Ferrara, gone aired in 1991-1992, was certainly one of the warning signs, but the transmission was not sufficiently focused elephant (and popular) to serve the interests of the owner. Moreover, the historical moment was not right: the pressure of the judges was still bearable ( Clean Hands began in 1992).
In 1994, things were markedly different: Sgarbi, a rogue with a reputation for intellectual, pierced the screen for the ability to combine ideas (falsely) with a cultural lexicon available to the populace (and profanity, that even today, for the eggheads on TV, appear to be sympathetic). Sgarbi was natural that could be used to convey, in 15 minutes a day before lunch, a philosophy made of rimasticatura of confused ideas mistoni meritocratic rhetoric and self-made man "who prepared all'amatriciana unquestionably the field to the" sudden "drop-down field of the knight.
Sure enough, Sgarbi was later proposed in Forza Italy, and so on time, was left on TV to numb the minds of unwary viewers Newspapers Sgarbi, ensnared by an alleged "credibility" soon sfaldatasi (years later we witnessed pathetic attempts Just fuck to draw attention to the other party, but that's another story).
Over the years (and especially in certain periods, such as logic), the "subliminals" Sgarbi was always on time and interpretable, if read correctly, as a defense of the regime. For example, this gem dating back to 1998, Frank Sinatra, does not take a whole new meaning in light of potential "bad friends" Berlusconi as Mangano, Dell'Utri company and singer?
Once "done well" (as they say the big eaters of Sassari), proved an idea to the Knight at the same time brilliant and self-evident: the audience (which coincided with the electorate), vaccinated with doses of propaganda in Berlusconi course of years, needed to be "normalized" through daily "boost" on the basis of "objective" news. Hence the use of rag Liguori and, later, Voice of Goose Jordan as directors of the TG of Italy 1. Unfortunately for them, the two did not have the charisma of cialtronesco "bloated pallor" (as happily described him as Roberto D'Agostino), and they were soon relegated to oblivion (after doing the damage, but related: who could ever take seriously Paul Mario Liguori or Jordan? Neither Berlusconi). All this, of course, after a series of hosted, often laughable, sports broadcasts Mediaset. A witness to the crash, now is the director of Liguori TgCom , a sort pill of castor oil that most people, in Italy, you avoid willingly.
At the same time, the propaganda machine of Berlusca you invented a new and interesting idea: a sort of "level playing field" between the fake leccaculo explicit Emilio Fede and the creeping (and invisible to many, alas) of servility Costanzo / Mentone.
Parenthesis: Costanzo and his wife (?) Are responsible for all the worst of Italian television. And for this they should pay. Sorry for the digression.
With well-studied technique, Emilio Fede, with their own stunts sycophant, he was a buffoon discovered so as to attract upon himself the attention of people with normal intelligence, leaving the field open for the precise operations "clinical" by Costanzo and Mentana that, with locations of alleged "Left" (it was a matter of right, the result of stupidity or bad faith, of course), did nothing but hang out with classic mat Knight. It is worth mentioning the disgusting interviews Maurizio Costanzo Show (here's an excerpt from Blob ) or housed in Matrix.
Obviously, ça va sans dire, Mentana then was fired. Everything must go.
Today it is not time to refined strategies (see the Minzolini TG1). It is time the final gun: Alfonso Signorini. And now I'm headed.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mecedes Commercial Song

Full Metal Jacket

DJ Dead Eye Presents: Full Metal Jacket is a mixtape that DJ ST. by Squad / Showoff got at the concert in Sassari Termanology ten days ago and serves as a perfect prelude to Dead Eye album out, which we will update you in due course.
Well done, albeit not very original as a concept (samples Full Metal Jacket, as well matched, are stranoti), the mixtape flows well, especially for a very good selection of beats and scratch sessions for non-invasive here are always appreciated. DJ Dead Eye Presents: Full Metal Jacket is valuable because, instead of focusing on the "usual" top 10 songs, but is full of freestyles / exclusive scene from Boston (plus a few appearances by Cormega, AZ and Royce, which never hurts) . In addition, the mixtape (which I do not know when it is originally released) are notable for their version of "mixed fried totalissimo global" (word to Caccamo) remix of I Want to Rock f. Dogs and Pigs: to feel, if only because it lasts 19 minutes (!). Here
version ripped by me and 256 kbps with the two original covers (which I have not seen around, but I could be wrong).

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tattoo Font Generator Online


Esteemed colleagues, the mailbox that I use to access the blog was owned by a giant mite and blocks. Ditto to apply to such narrow space, which are managed, aivoi to restore. There are the aftermath of the rags, because they disappeared by the readers of most blogs which I had loved and when I try to access it, a message tells me that you do not want to follow him. But never mind! Access to the board is slow and unsteady, worse than myself. For more see the screen to the server error asking me to try again after 30 seconds long and boring. I contacted the Blogger team, but I got a couple of vague answers and then silence. According to some, this blog would not be never existed, I would never have existed, and perhaps even the Internet. I'll stay with the curse of the doubt.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

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Guida (S)Ragionata a Esse Esse War Volume 1

Più o meno due mesi fa, usciva in free download la compilation Esse Esse War Volume 1 , il primo di una serie di “mixtape”[1] tesa ad illustrare in maniera relativamente esaustiva quella che è la scena hip hop sassarese.[2] Ed in questo sta il maggiore trionfo e, allo stesso tempo, la sconfitta della compila.[3]
La “scena” sassarese, infatti, è affascinante per una serie di ragioni,[4] la prima delle quali è che non è una scena nel senso comune del termine. Infatti, a Sassari non esistono artisti sotto contratto of any label, professionally produced discs (except for a moment of reflection of games, one of the first movers in the city and one of the greatest rappers with a national following, that if the mix is \u200b\u200bmade in France) or old glories, even boiled , with a few battle scars. [5] These features can be seen in other important areas of the island, as Nuoro (cradle of "OG" Menhir, still active and godfathers of hardcore Sardinian) or Cagliari (home of former Sa Race / SR Raza, a group of historians of the period "posse," and other names once known as Maku Go & Sardo Tribe, among others).
yet at the level of rap fatto bene (qualunque cosa ciò voglia dire: per comodità, mi riferisco a quello con testi ben scritti e/o arguti, ben rappati a livello metrico, e basi musicali ascoltabili ancora dopo un mese dal download), né Cagliari né Nuoro, se uno è onesto intellettualmente, possono essere minimamente paragonate a Sassari, oggi[6]: Nuoro per motivi prevalentemente numerici, Cagliari per motivi storico/culturali.
Infatti, se a Nuoro non mancano gli MC (molto) validi dal punto di vista tecnico, è forse l’esiguità dei partecipanti a costituire il punto debole della città barbaricina. Cagliari, invece, sebbene capace di assurgere spesso alle cronache (quantomeno quelle di defunti magazine “mitici” as Aelle ), has historically been poor in terms of their technical, concerned instead poses poseur [7] that replicates the West Coast in cafonerie myrtle and olive sauce. [8]
As I said, the paradox They interest of War Volume 1 They are both in the fact that the Sassari is a "movement" which, although also the most naive observer can not fail to consider not intended to go anywhere, it shows life and, More importantly, eminently successful from the point of view "art" [9].
course, that the compilation highlights is that the signals are often contradictory, the directions are often not yet matured, and pieces of quality (sonic and lyric) fluctuating, but some (pleasant) confirmation will certainly take [10].
Sassari is not Milan, where the kids by getting "uncle" can dream of becoming the new Dogo, whatever that is, [11] and is not Rome, where the ghosts can be exorcised by blows of vice and nihilism (indeed) fictionalized style Romanzo Criminale and / or truceklan.
Sassari is a place of deep social unrest, in which people reject that which elsewhere is the most logical alternative, although painful to leave. A Sassari
the adjective "Urban" carries only negative characteristics: it feels in the cement and real estate speculation. All you have good urban agglomerations (squats, for cultural events, concerts, to name just three), does not exist in Sassari.
Sassari, for better and mostly for worse, is not "cool". In Cagliari, I saw a concert by Sonic Youth (!), Sassari at most a few good Italian band (type Afterhours) [12].
A Sassari, rap if you're not even an "enemy" or one to be curbed. At most you're one strange. The fascists and spoiled children go to the disco, and the consumer society have already won with their big car and the easy cash. Others, such as those They They War Volume 1, is the microphone, the computer / sampler and two turntables (or controller) [13].
This is a common denominator to hold together the disc, not a celebration of "Sassari / sassareseria" (as well characterized, for better or for worse) [14], but a war of decibels by shots that taste more desperate anti-social, filtered through an imaginary antagonist (a little 'horror-metal, to times, see samples of the films used as intro) and Technical Fair. A
Sassari, no one can afford to rap about money, cocaine and whores: first because no one has enough grain to do so, and because America (figuratively and literally) is really far away.
The cops do not pounding, and at the same time do not corrupt: [15] so all that's left is to buy a bit 'of alcohol and some spinel and din of addictive substances and especially music. Music
that from the point of view of style, has relatively few points of homogeneity, for the truth. In They They War Volume 1, if the Flow Gremi become bearers of an aesthetic rather "dark" (the debtor of certain productions of Dr. Dre and Eminem in a broad sense, it would seem), the Ashtra Gubba opting for a sampledelia " trash " 80. If the South's Seed shall conform to think of a more paradoxical "Dirty South" in Sassari (Auto-Tune and like 808 shots included), the Rigantanti remain on the soul classic. If Cosimo Martinez follows a trajectory more power and "modern", the record succeeds in Raighinas Syl Johnson under a pillow. [16] Not to forget the boom-bap classic mid-90s on which Giocca carves up the anthem Sassari rapping which all the protagonists of the disc and the groove of the West "smokin 'life" Senka. By
digress for a moment, perhaps this is the most visible failure of the "scene" hip hop Sassari (But not only): While the metal counterparts rappers dream (probably) to make records with the stylistic cohesion of an album of Sabbath, Slayer or even Marilyn Manson, who belongs to the hip hop generation today grew up with albums generally " patchwork, can not conceive the idea of \u200b\u200bcompact sound at all [17].
Just a few of the members of the scene Sassari able to build a strong musical identity, we'll see if they'll drop the assumptions of what led me to write here. [18] In terms of
ways, things are simpler and more complicated at the same time: the protagonists are often mixed on the trail, and when this happens, mingle together.
As I said, a feeling prevails "antagonist" and "damn", but between the metaphors and punchlines hint at an attempt to create their own personal world, beyond the music. And that is a blend of the Italian Sassari slang and expressions in American bastardization further. All this should be noted, occurs smoothly and not, as was the case for the hallucinatory construct a false Cagliari-Mexican youth slang of the SR-Raza, with a rigid bottom frightening and incomprehensible logic (if not within the aping solutions hip hop USA).
What is clear from listening Sassari is that there are no rappers "scrausi" in the true sense of the word: some are better and / or more interesting to listen to, some are more "closed" than others, but no one ever leaves that bitter in the mouth [19] remaining after listening to the alleged "big boys" of the scene in Milan or Rome, to name the places they leave some of the most famous rappers of the moment [20].
The rest are songs, but songs that identify a "scene "that if the boundary conditions were different, could have their say. [21] The
December 8, 2010, the mixtape They They War Volume 1 has become a performance Art in a nightclub in Sassari: The entrance fee was 5 Euros, and they were removed over a hundred. For a scene that there is an achievement not to be underestimated [22].

Small guide to crew esseesse War (in alphabetical order) :

Ashtra Gubba: duo Sparro and Nepa. AG stands for high-level texts often and kind (sometimes) super technique, and beat (by Sparro) with 80 samples. Pass, I hope, though in truth AG is one of the groups that are working at the level of cohesiveness music (and the results are certainly personal). I'm sure if Sparro lived in Milan would be known throughout Italy.
Klandestina Brigade (or BK): trio Konflitto, Sam61 and B-Raid. BK draws its inspiration from the most politicized moments of the phenomenon of the posse. Apart from a few fall into the rhetorical (forgive the choice of that particular sub-genre of rap), a criticism that can move the group is sometimes sins of identity in the sense that Konflitto often goes more towards the political and Sam on the "social". If they did the soloists, perhaps we would gain.
Gremi Flow: Maru, Shine e Carne (il nome peggiore di tutti i rappers sassaresi) sono fra gli MVP del disco Esse Esse War Volume 1 . In particolare Carne se la cava molto bene anche come produttore. Appena imparerà a variare un po’ le tracce di batteria e i suoni del drumkit, diventerà uno dei più bravi di Sassari (e non solo).
MCP/Morto che Parla: Senka e Josè Quervo (il nome migliore fra quelli dei rappers sassaresi e uno dei migliori d’Italia certamente) hanno nel DNA il funk californiano, ma anche il gotico in moviola di Soul Assassins-Psycho Realm. Senka, in altre condizioni, avrebbe i numeri per essere una “stellina” della scena italiana. Dovrebbe andare away from Sassari.
NBT: Eman and crew made Cosimo Martinez, stands out in a rap a little 'closed' and beat a discrete bill. Should I hear more stuff, I admit.
Raighinas: Young and Don Malo Futta Carbonazzi to represent the face of more "tirriosa" (angry) rap Sassari. They eat "the most hardcore rotten" and, apart from some loss due to inexperience, are Bravini from the technical point of view. We'll see how it evolves from the point of view eminently musical.
Rigantanti: Kabaddu and Vlade are the rappers look less angry and more ironic Sassari, and count among the influences also the rhythm (riddim) Jamaican. They are among the few to ennoble the inherent roughness (in slang "grezzuria) cionfraiola of Sassari. The intro Janine is a classic.
South's Seed: for me the idea of \u200b\u200bbases rap "modern" in Sassari is definitely a loser, but maybe I'm being a dinosaur. [23] In any event, the kids are young and will improve, I guess. Musically speaking, what it lacks in originality it put in execution (translation: even if I do not like the beats are well done).
WooDoo Clan (Clan or Ganja WooDoo or GWC): The largest group of historical Sassari, made Giocca and Moza (there is also Bolder), which is now united Bantu G (ie, Gaelle, the wife of Giocca). Giocca Moza and could not be more different in style and personality, but when 'almost always work (and have produced billions of demo). A single, usually Giocca is funky-soul and Moza paranoid and stone. And that's okay.


. [1] This term, borrowed from American, they usually designate products not "official" put together by DJ circuit typically "street". Although nowadays are no longer or tape (tapes), or (often) mix, the name stuck, even to indicate that che in questo caso sarebbe forse più corretto designare come “street compilation”.
[2]. Mancano alcuni gruppi e/o personalità importanti nel contesto cittadino, ma sono eccezioni che non inficeranno i ragionamenti che tenterò di sviluppare più sotto.
[3]. Ad oggi (8 gennaio 2010) pare che il CD sia stato scaricato, download più, download meno, circa 800 volte, che mi sembra un numero tutt’altro che disprezzabile, tutto considerato.
[4]. Da piccolo, parteggiavo per i Cartaginesi e per gli Indiani d’America. Da grande, ho apprezzato la Def Jux e i Dictators. Il mio regista preferito è David Cronenberg. I affinity for losers class.
[5]. If I ever put out something, maybe I could qualify as "old glory boiled," but it has never been, and therefore Boorish Crew, as the first rap group of Sassari (I challenge anyone to prove otherwise) from 1991 remains a sort of ectoplasm from "Greatest Story Never Told" and nothing else.
[6]. It's no offense: in essence the argument is that the scene of Sassari, but not going anywhere, is one of the best in Italy for quality / quantity.
[7]. Bella etymological figure .
[8]. How can we forget that masterpiece of unintentional comedy Dogs Taking La Fossa?
[9]. To use (cheeky) the term "art", see what was written by Stewart Home in the introduction of the Culture Assault (AAA Publishing, May 1996), especially in note 7.
[10]. At least for those who love the class of losers, that is.
[11]. I suspect most of the accounts in terms of image, in the hip-hoppers around the island, not that of its bank account.
[12]. The Ramones I consider them a step (and the exception that proves the rule), especially since the coupling with a support band Sassari least unlikely (without naming names, for once).
[13]. Of course, in a purely selfish, I hope that continues, at least as regards the production of rap.
[14]. See what the late President Cossiga had to say about "cionfra", the phenomenon of being Prince of Sassari.
[15]. They go to other tours, more profitable, of course.
[16]. That it seems an insult, but it is not. The base, incredibly "muddy", so that practically bury any high frequency of the sample, making it perfectly, making music to be counterbalanced by the attempt to express anger at the "same shit," vehemently hated by the authors of the piece.
[17]. Yet the examples of "cool" there would be, without resorting to force Marley Marl and the Juice Crew, or Eric B & Rakim (my obsessions, of course): Mobb Deep height of his career, the Wu-Tang Clan in the first three discs (group), and even the vintage Death Row (Tha Chronic all). Or, in the conscious area, records of the common products virtually in toto from J Dilla.
[18]. I doubt it, but it would be very interesting to be proven wrong: imagine if the next Fabri Fibra Guè or Pequeno (I speak only of popularity) was born in Sassari.
[19]. One Word to Kaos.
[20]. Too easy shot at the Red Cross, but I have to mention Surf for strength.
[21]. In all honesty, I must also say that maybe, if things were different, the scene would probably be less interesting, for sure.
[22]. In the final analysis, a breakdown of the individual songs they They War Volume 1 does not make sense: more or less all they're doing well. For this writer, is more interesting is the meaning of They They War Volume 1 come rappresentazione della Sassari hip hop.
[23]. E se anche Termanology e DJ Deadeye se la menano con Kanye West e Lil, Wayne, forse hanno ragione i South’s Seed.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Adding Outlets To Travel Trailer

Happy New Year 2011 Christmas 2010


2011 Happy New Year to you all!

How did you spend New Year's Eve dinner? And above all ... .. how you celebrated the new year arrived?

Us? The dinner

nothing special. Past home of Sergio and Maria Marco, Faith, Olivia and their children . We ate some very good things. La Focaccia Pugliese, chicken meatballs, rolls of ham with asparagus

, tarts, prosciutto, parmigiana (very good) and lasagna amazing Mother's Faith (again ... ... you can say). For dessert we overindulged with a fruit tart, tiramisu e il profiterol. Tutti squisiti. Abbiamo atteso I fuochi della torre a mezzanotte e poco dopo il brindisi con del buon succo di frutta sparkling (tipo spumante) e dello spumate (quasi vero) ognuno ha caricato in macchina I figli in giro per la casa e siamo andati tutti a nanna. Poche ore dopo, cinque per la precisione, quando la bambina ci ha chiamato per alzarci, nel mio cervello é scattato qualcosa di strano e mi son detto : “Devo iniziare quest’anno al meglio !”Ho lasciato le ragazze finire di riposarsi e sono andato sotto casa nel garage a prendere il kayak (arrivato come regalo da Babbo Natale) e alle 6.30am ero in mare a remare verso l Isola dei Famosi (o meglio …. L Isola solitaria) Dopo an hour and a half I did

return to shore and struck by the beauty of the sea (ocean) I dived for the first swim of 2011. Great, a show. On my return home I found the two girls who were raised just eating breakfast. I joined them and I have bad Binge eating, going from sweet biscuits made by Rosi, then eat a yogurt with fruit and coffee at the end to give a nice touch of class to everything.

After this hearty breakfast we left for a trip out of town, heading north. We wanted to spend a few hours on a beach "new" to celebrate the arrival of 2011. We stopped in Martins Bay, about 15 km from Workworth. We played splish splash in water, made sand castles and even the molds, and unfortunately a lot of progress even slightly charred at the end. One frightfully hot. We as refugees

a good sushi in a nice little place "Gallery" in the center of Warkworth, the cornetto (a copy of that Algida) and we also managed to play a little more to the play ground nearby. Lina was really "cooked" at the end and as soon as we left to go home (it was 4.30pm) is collapsed into the car and woke up when we arrived.

We started the new year to great. We hope so too. Let us know.

A great hope yet by

3 moschettieri

Dove abbiamo deciso di passare l' inizio del nuovo anno

E questa e' la spiaggia dove ci siamo accampati

Qui le barche e le moto le portano in acqua con i trattori

And here we stopped for ice cream before leaving for home

Monday, January 3, 2011

Milena Velba Milk Pic

Christmas 2010 A Christmas spent with friends since our families are far away unfortunately.

The awakening of 25 was a bit traumatic because the late night the day before when we were celebrating the eve dinner with Sergio and Daniela (Fabio As a guest) and then later we tried the midnight mass to take advantage of the fact that the baby slept peacefully in her stroller. St. Patrick Church in the center (the oldest parts of Auckland) to cap, even outside, with people and as I entered they had brought camping chairs ready to attend the celebration on the big screen, like a lot of the world.

We could not camp because it arrived late and so we finally decided to return home. Return to half past midnight. Lina gave us five hours after the alarm. Honestly, I confess to you that are no longer accustomed to the small hours. Damn ... ...

However after a light breakfast and a quick round of phone calls with Skype for our family feel like I was getting ready to live the day before we went to Flat Bush, South East suburbs where our foster parents for a few months they live. They moved in that area for to be nearer their families since most live in that area. We were invited for a brunch. Do you know what a brunch? It is the term to describe a mixture of Breakfast & Lunch. Virtually is a hearty breakfast or if you prefer a light lunch.

We went to the nine and a half and returned home shortly after half past one. This is to allow the various families (their children) to be able to organize the afternoon as more preferred. I remind you that here we are in summer, and then the afternoon is very long (a day of light among the longest in the year) and live outdoors, weather permitting. This year, everything ok in this respect. Not great, but acceptable. A bit of sun, a bit of cover.

After leaving the Stopforth family and after our dear little girl had rested and recovered energy to the rest of the day, we went to Marco and Federica.

From them we spent the rest of the day and in the end we were invited for a delicious dinner in the company also Olivia and her two children.

We ate lasagna most of all the good times. Faith's mother has really churned out a mess ... ... .. Wonderland. Delicious ... ... ... .. yummy.

could not miss a glimpse of Santa Natale.

Come potete vedere anche dalle foto, é passato anche in Nuova Zelanda. Ha dovuto affrontare un viaggio molto lungo ma alla fine ce l ha fatta. La settimana prima del 25 si é presentato all asilo di Lina dove ad attenderlo c’erano tantissimi bambini. La nostra figlia é stata probabilmente l’unica a piangere per la paura. Questo naturalmente non le ha impedito di ricevere parecchi regali. Fin troppi oserei dire.

Anche il papá quest’anno ha ricevuto un bellissimo dono. Un kayak. Wow !!!!

A Santo Stefano (da queste parti ….. Boxing Day) invece di fare come tantissimi kiwi che si azzannano nei supermarket perché ci sono gli extra sconti (invenzione commerciale da manuale) noi abbiamo deciso di andare alla Santa Messa e poi invitare per pranzo un altra coppia di amici con la loro figlioletta Elena Sofia che Lina ha da subito rinominato Efefé. Il giorno dopo per rilassarci ci siamo recati alle piscine all’aperto vicino casa. Trascorso la mattina a giocare sull’acqua. Che divertente !!!

Ciao ciao

Lina Rosi e Ivi

Le foto andrebbero viste dall ultima alla prima per seguire l ordine temporale

just got around the park Kohi

How scary Santa Claus!