Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Birthday Verse For The Elderly

La mia nonna Caterina non c'è più! non la troveremo più seduta sulla panca infondo al cortile sotto il grande albero di nocciole, non la sentiremo più chiamarci per raccontarci le sue giornate o perché wants to know "then what's new?", his unfailing cakes every Sunday ... there is no more and left an immense void.
I do not know how to explain what I feel, it seems that I have been cut that thread, that umbilical cord, which still united me to my childhood. How many times have we heard the grandchildren who tells our secrets, what we did not have the courage to tell mum and dad but she is.
I know my grandmother is a figure dear to all, I miss so much because my grandmother was with a capital N.

"Grandparents are the ones who come from far and go first, to investigate beyond the life of the old are to be respected respected by old, are living in the past present and children are the future that will see the "

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mad Hatter Cakes Southern California

Risotto with porcini mushrooms and radicchio

I saw on the blog a very nice and interesting collection, very nearly took part and I leave my contribution .... he he he he !!!!!!
Ingredients for 2 people: 200 grams of risotto rice (such as carnaroli), 2 medium-size mushrooms, red onion, a knob of butter, half a radish, half a glass of white wine, vegetable stock, a clove of garlic, olive oil, salt.

Finely chop the onion, place in a casserole with the butter over low heat, add the dried when it is washed and finely chopped radicchio.
Cook about 5 minutes, add the rice and toast, pour the wine and let evaporate.
Pour a bit 'at a time the stock and started firing.
Meanwhile clean the mushrooms, cut into small pieces and fry in a pan with a little oil and a clove of garlic for 5-6 minutes. Add the mushrooms to the risotto and continue cooking adding, if necessary, more broth.
Finally add salt and serve hot.

With this recipe for the collection of: IOOOOOOOO !!!!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

What Hair Does Myamee Have

Bars per due

Sunday morning, he gets up early because working today, and I do not just have to do some work at home, but with this sunny day, those who want to?
should to stroll and enjoy the last warm sun that nature offers us.
Patience ... we hope that the weather is favorable, for next week. I just have to put in a little mess 'and prepare something for lunch and start from' Aperi-starter ready for the first time salted biscuits. To be the first time I tried different flavors, so to see what we like best.
Recipe I got it from base erborin and then I've created three different cookies.

Ingredients: basic recipe: 125 gr of flour, 80 gr of butter, 100 gr grated Parmesan , salt, pepper, an egg. To customize
: sesame seeds, paprika, curry, and rosemary.

Let the butter soften at room temperature in a bowl, combine flour, salt and pepper and knead until dough is smooth and without lumps. Add the Parmesan and mix again after that divide the dough into three parts.
- Take a first piece of dough, add half a teaspoon of curry powder and knead, roll out with rolling pin biscuits and cut the desired shape, brush with beaten egg and place on top of some leaves of rosemary shortbread put them in a pan lined with paper oven.
- the second piece of dough I put together a little 'pepper, reshuffle and form the cookies, brush with egg and place in baking dish.
- the last portion of dough I put together a tablespoon of sesame seeds and the same procedure I made cookies, brushed with egg and sprinkled the surface with a bit 'of seeds.
Bake in hot oven at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes.
them I've served on a wooden board as crown tasty slices of salami and I must say I'm a great accompaniment .

Monday, October 5, 2009

Logitech V-uam27a Product Specifications

Pavesini delle feste

Some time ago I attended the birthday party of a child, there were games, balloons, gifts, screams of joy, cake and candles.
Among all these "beautiful" one in particular caught my attention and that these simple and fantastic cakes.
I immediately tracked down the author and I am made to give the recipe and now turn to you my friends!

Ingredients: A Pavesini box, 2 hg of fresh ricotta, 2 gr of mascarpone, a spoonful of sugar, milk, coconut flour, cocoa powder, ground hazelnuts.

In a bowl mix the ricotta, mascarpone and sugar until creamy and smooth at this point divide it into two containers. Before
bowl: add a tablespoon of cocoa powder and stir. Take a Pavesini and coated with chocolate cream, a second Pavesini superimpose to form a "sandwich", pass it quickly into the milk and then in chopped nuts and place in a tray. Continue until you finish the cream.
Second bowl : keep the original cream, form the "sandwich" and pass into the milk and then in the flour and coconut put them in the tray. And voila
: the snack is served and I guarantee that it will disappear in the blink of an eye with this recipe to participate collection of Stefania .
With this post I want to thank Stefi for the prize he gave me (better late than never ;-)
And the turnaround to you all and especially to Chiara as "good luck" for his blog.