Sunday, November 29, 2009

Story About Tech Deck

My granddaughter

As you know, about a month ago is not my dear grandmother Catherine and now it is a beautiful and bright ray of sunshine came into our lives ... Elena!

My first grandchild ... what a joy it has brought us!

After a sad period is now time to turn the page and enjoy this miracle of life.

A thought always goes to my grandmother who could not wait that this child was born, but unfortunately it flew into the sky without knowing it, and she, Helen wanted to be born on November 25 on the day which celebrates its Santa Caterina, But the doctors we have had a hand in the world and came a few hours later. I am convinced that my grandmother was there with her and her mother, and certainly has strongly embraced both.

And now I present the Helen ... sweet Elena.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ivory Cocktail Dresses

gnocchi alla romana

The meal I like, but do not go crazy. But a dish that I like are the famous gnocchi alla romana, if I happen to find them when I go out to dinner I try them often, but I had never cooked before and I must admit that I have come quite well. The recipe I took verbatim from the box of bran that I got at the supermarket.
Ingredients: 250 grams of durum wheat flour, a quart of milk, 2 egg yolks, 50 g butter, 50 grams of grated parmesan, salt.

Boil the milk with un pizzico di sale, versare a pioggia il semolino e continuare la cottura per circa 10 minuti, avendo cura di mescolare sempre in modo che non si formino grumi. A cottura ultimata lasciate intiepidire e unite uno alla volta i tuorli e il formaggio, mescolando con cura. Versate il composto su piano di lavoro, spalmatelo mantenendo uno spessore di circa un centimetro e ritagliate i dischetti. Imburrate una teglia e sistemate gli gnocchi sovrapponendoli leggermente, spolverizzate con abbondante formaggio grattuggiato e qualche ciuffetto di burro. Infornate a 200° per circa 20 minuti.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Diaper Punishment Enama

I participate in these collections

La mia raccolta sta volgendo al termine, ringrazio tutti quanti. Siete passati numerosissimi dal mio blog e avete left a lot of recipes, now I expect a good job to put them all together and make a pdf , but I do it gladly because you deserve it.
you post the "birth" of your award very soon ... I hope.

In the world of blogs I've seen lately are so many new games and would like to participate in all collections, but time is what it is ... I start to post something ready and then I will create something new later.
1 - To collect, "delights of a tart" from the heart of cream

I contribute to this recipe: Pear-scented roses

2 - for collecting "cookie?" of Micaela
I contribute with these recipes: Biscuits fantasy , the dates Biscuits, Mini krumiri hazelnuts.

3 - For the harvest: "Let us not make a fool of !" Antonella
contributes this recipe: Fennel curry

4 - For the collection, "with his fingers in the jar" by Martina

contributes: rose jam.

Friday, November 6, 2009

How Do You Fix The Projector In A Big Tv

Muffin full of grapes My Grandmother

First, I want to thank all of you who had kind words of comfort to me for the loss of my beloved grandmother, it's tough because after the initial discomfort is now being felt melancholy and its absence, but I know it's close me and my new angel.

And now, in her honor because she loves to cook (maybe a little something I took from her!) It goes on and I get back in the kitchen.

Ingredients: 250 gr whole wheat flour, 5 tablespoons of sugar, half a bag of yeast, 2 eggs, half a glass of milk, a nice bunch of grapes, sugar.

In a bowl mix sugar, le uova (intere), il latte, lo lievito e la farina. Infarinate i chicchi d'uva e unitali all'impasto. Imburrate e finfarinate gli stampini e versatevi il composto.
Mettete in forno e cuocete a 180° per 20 minuti circa.
Lasciateli raffreddare e spolverizzate con zucchero a velo...buona merenda.
Con questa semplice ricetta partecipo alla raccolta di Mara di Pan di Panna