Monday, March 15, 2010

My Wireless Microsoft Mouse Isn't Working

rain What a laugh

We stayed at the Pacifica Festival at Western Springs Park two Saturdays ago. We went in the afternoon just after lunch. They waited for us a couple of friends with whom we spent a nice afternoon immersed in the scents and music ....... the islanders.

This example above is an example of Rap musician-singer of the Pacific. Performa paired with another boy of the same size. Two really funny guys. Rapping with humorous rhymes, often with a slang incomprehensible to us, but we ridavamo, dragged from the crowd around them. Ha ha ha ...... :-)

Occasionally we stopped to relax your muscles, especially those of the tongue and allow the two girls play with each other. That funny! A unique sweetness. Both ....... Talu
if I do not remember, Samoan origins. Here we were in fact "their" camp.
As you can see below, dancing "tribal" were the most attractive part of the event, both for males that the female ...............

After we took a stroll in Fiji. We do not take much. Ten minutes on foot. Do not believe me? So come next year you too and you will see with your eyes.

then we went from Fiji to Cook Islands. Beautiful!!
A lot of people there. We thought to find a snack to put under your tongue (or between the teeth as you feel better). The girls sleep well at this time. In a backpack con il babbo e l'altra sulla carrozzina, sempre spinta dal secondo papà.

Dopo tanto camminare finalmente Rosi ha trovato ciò che stavamo cercando. Wow !!!
Gelato immerso in un fresco ananas. Una squisitezza. Yummi ...... Buonissimo !!!!!

Lo abbiamo trovato in zona Hawai, dove le onde dell'oceano ti regalano sempre dei momenti magnfici. La tavola da surf purtroppo non l'avevamo presa, e così ci siamo abbandonati a mangiare quella specialità lasciando alle spalle il rumore delle onde sostituito da un folklore unico di persone del "luogo" che con il loro sorriso We welcome you to their resort.

coming under to home we had to just pop all'areoporto military, not to miss the beauty of some vintage airplanes. Actually, to be completely honest, we have (on my advice) to the route that avoided all the "mass" was doing and we have taken a new path, that of ............ .. desperation ..... ah aha hahaha.
Come on .... !? Not true! We made only a few kilometers more to reach the parking lots. Maybe 10? I do not think! But we certainly have prevented the exodus and traffic on the closing event. A good walk helps the circulation.

After nearly four hours and a half backpack over his shoulder (with built-child), my poor shoulders were starting to call a Time Out in the driving seat to return home, I realized that ......
advancing years! Good thing, anyway!

When we got home we took a few laughs. Do you too!

This video I shot while the two women were doing the bath house. They were not aware of! I was attracted by the laughter of my baby while I was in the kitchen preparing dinner. I could not resist.
I hope you do smile to you.

Hello and thanks for following us.
You are many and this makes us much pleasure. Every now and then come greeting.
Thanks again. You guys are great.



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