fragrant soup of farro and beans stuffed cuttlefish
Here is dinuovo damn cold!
And as always need something to warm the bones and stomach and just a few days ago I was "attracted" to this soup I found the Monographs of Taste: cereali.Mi rice and liked it very much and I want to share it with you, even with my small change.
Ingredients: 100 grams of beans, 100 grams of farro, 3 tablespoons of tomato sauce, onion, a small carrot, 2 bay leaves, vegetable stock, 1 small tomato, a few leaves of sage, oil ' oil, salt and pepper.
Soak the beans at least one night (I had the beans fresh but frozen that I had given my mom last summer so I skipped this step), cook at least 40 minutes in water with the sage, bay leaves, tomato, cut into small pieces.
When you lift up the flavors seem to be cooked with the blender and blend to a creamy (leaving aside a few tablespoons of beans that will join the soup after cooking).
Chop the onion and carrot and fry in a pan with oil. Add the farro and tostalo, as is done for rice, and add the broth and cook for about 15 minutes. Combine the cream, beans, tomato sauce, salt and pepper. The soup should thicken and narrow.
A trickle of extra virgin olive oil and eat it hot.
Here we are! Back on time? I do not think so ......, true!? Time flies and the desire to write in these months is a little faded. I wonder why? Many excuses could be found, but the answer is one and only ..................... LAZINESS and nothing more.
Anyway, speaking of what is happening in this area of \u200b\u200bthe southern hemisphere, I can tell that the hot weather that we had in the last two summers, this year has not been done yet to see in its entirety. Only in recent weeks has started to "hit". We are not in hot Australia last month where cities such as Sydney or Melbourne are 38 degrees at midnight. Absolutely unbearable. Here the cover on the bed in the evening gave us trouble in cases that can be counted on the fingers of both hands so far. It was never put away ........ to resume after this season. Not at all! Fortunately, we can be happy with us "citizens" because he has done very little rain. "The farmer and the agricolutura begin to suffer from this thing, however. What do you do
Kohi to these days? Kohi is abbrevviativo Kohimara to the suburbs Where We Live at the moment. This is a video (amateur) where you can see the beach house:
Here we go there very often, because it is a 10-minute stroller from our house. Absolutely fantastic, especially because you do not pay .... ah ah ah :-)
last Saturday but we did a little BBQ with Italian friends to give a warm welcome to a couple of friends who must return home next month. We had him because they are nice people, especially inside. Fall in Tuscany, land of origin. They are living very happily now I understand. They have a mix of emotions, from sadness to leave what they had managed with difficulty to build, to the joy of a new adventure in places that have seen them grow. The project to return there. but wish them much luck. That everything goes well dear Sergio and Michelle.
a party that began at noon and ended just before midnight. We could not finish the food prepared during the day. We took a break between the first round (pasta, mozzarella, ham, sausages, lamb, sausages, vegetables grilled) and second (pasta, sausages, hot dogs, grilled vegetables, bread, cake, etc ....) doing a nice walk along the beach, trying to stretch and return appetite. We thought of taking a jelly to aid digestion, but in the end we gave up. To be honest to the end, there is an ice cream shop worthy of the name in this area. You have to go in the city center to find one. E 'was great. Theme of the day: PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE
The following day the program was for a short trip and picnic with two other couples, one other German el kiwi. The weather was horrible in the morning, so we opted for a lunch with friends at the restaurant "German" del luogo. Siamo finiti a mangiare Wrustel, Crauti e una specie di purè di patate. Il tutto condito da una piccantina senape. Non male direi eh ..... ?
Faceva veramente caldo e il rischio bruciatura era altissimo. Un Kilo di crema protettiva alla bambina e un pò anche a noi prima di scendere giù, per non rischiare appunto di ritrovarci abbrustoliti alla sera durante la doccia.
Uno scorcio della NOSTRA spiaggia ..... personale. ( Funny eh ? ah ah ah ah )
Un tentativo di tuffo della bambina, con il papà che cerca di trattenerla.
Meglio ritornare fra la sabbia. Un pò più sicura direi. Ogni tanto finisce in bocca, ma il pericolo viene captato subito e si iniza a sputacchiarla fuori con strane faccie .......
Ok, vi lascio ancora alcune immagini che danno una vaga idea di quello che ci si ritrova sotto casa. Pochi gli ombrelloni come potete vedere anche voi.
will be in my house (from old and rustic Piedmont) when the fish made its appearance in table a few times a year and its maximum presentation was: breaded sole! So from here you do not understand why you love him at all and therefore because I do not know how to cook. But life gave me a companion who, though Piedmont like me, loves to fish and especially shellfish and crustaceans. Sometimes I try to make him happy, I get closer to the fish counter, I look someone in the eye, I buy it and take it home and here I begin to understand how to cook and revised thresholds. Here's my latest experiment!
Ingredients (eye because the portion was for one person): 6 cuttlefish, a little 'of shredded provolone, bread crumbs, parsley, 2 tablespoons of peas, salt, pepper, olive oil, half bicchiere di vino (lo so che con il pesce ci va vino bianco, ma purtroppo non l'avevo e ho usato quello nero).
Pulite le seppie e lavatele bene sotto l'acqua corrente.Tritate finemente il formaggio, unitelo in una ciotola con il pangrattato e tutti gli altri ingredienti (ad eccezione del vino), mescolate e riempite le seppie con il composto.
Con uno spago da cucina legate ad una ad una le seppioline in modo che cuocendo non esca il ripieno.Ponetele in una terrina con carta da forno e spruzzate con il vino.
Girovagando qua e la tra i vostri blog ho notato che c'è in giro un'epidemia e, guarda un po', sono stata contagiata anch'io...IL CARNEVAEEEEEE MANIAAAA.
Si va di fritti alla stra-grande, io non amo moltissimo i fritti ma per una volta all'anno si fa uno strappo perchè come si fa a resistere a questi dolcetti? per la prima volta ho fatto i friciò e mi sono piaciuti molto e vista la velocità con cui sono spariti sembra che siano piaciuti un po' a tutti.
Ingredienti: 200 gr di farina (io ne ho aggiunta ancora un po' a occhio perchè mi sembrava un po' molliccio l'impasto), 250 ml di latte, 100 gr di zucchero, 3 uova, un cucchiaino di lievito per dolci, uvetta sultanina (quantità variabile a seconda dei gusti), scorza di un limone, sale, olio per friggere and powdered sugar to decorate.
Grate the zest of the lemon (washed), together in a bowl the flour and sugar and slowly add milk, stirring with a whisk by hand until dough is smooth (I've added some more here 'flour). Soak the raisins in water for a few minuto.Aggiungete a pinch of salt and one at a time, eggs, baking powder and drained raisins, stir gently and let the dough rest a 15-20 minutes.
Heat the oil in a frying pan and heat without letting it smoke. With a spoon take a little 'of batter and drop it into the pan, cook the frico few at a time for a few minutes until they swell and become golden. Drain and place them on a plate with paper towels.
When cooked sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve ... excellent!
Cakes and raisins and lemon roll Cream of pumpkin and millet
I love pumpkin and this time they are beautiful and tasty desserts, perfect for turning them into some tasty goodness to put the pumpkin in tavola.Infatti food has been transformed from a "poor" and typical of the peasants, for vegetable prim 'order due to his virtues as a great chef ... he never suggested in his dishes? Now is not that I fall into the category, for charity, but I like it so much that often in new experiments suggest.
Ingredients: For the filling: 200g of pumpkin flesh, 125 grams of millet, water, 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, onion, 4 tablespoons vegetable cream, some grated nutmeg, salt and pepper, egg, sesame seeds and poppy seeds blacks. For the dough: 250 gr of flour type "00", 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, one packet of yeast for pies, salt.
Fry for a few minutes in a caseruola the oil with the chopped onion, add the pumpkin, cut into small pezzzi, millet and water (regulator so that the meat does not dry out too much, cover and let cook about 30 minuti.Mescolate all, adding the cream, nutmeg, salt and pepper, to obtain a puree. Prepare pasta setacciando la farina con il lievito e il sale, aggiungete l'olio e acqua tiepida poco per volta, impastate fino ad ottenere una pasta elastica ed omogenea. A questo punto mi son divertita ed ho preparato tortine e un rotolo ottimi come antipasto o stuzzichini per un aperitivo. Stendete la pasta e ritagliatene dei cerchi, Oliate leggermente le formine per le tortine e versateci un paio di cucchiai di crema alla zucca, io ho spolverizzato la superficie con un po' di sesamo nero per dare un tocco di colore e di sapore tipico della spezia. Ho ottenuto 6 tortine.Il resto della pasta l'ho stesa e ci ho versato sopra il resto della crema e delicatamente l'ho arrotolata e formato una specie di strudel, ho chiuso bene le estremità e l'ho spennellata con un uovo sbattuto. Ho spolverizzato con semi di papavero.
Ho infornato tortine e rotolo a 180° per circa 40 minuti.
Servire tiepido magari accompagnato con un buon vino bianco fresco e profumato.