Monday, February 22, 2010

Morning Intestinal Pain

Here we are! Back
on time?
I do not think so ......, true!?
Time flies and the desire to write in these months is a little faded.
I wonder why?
Many excuses could be found, but the answer is one and only .....................
LAZINESS and nothing more.
Anyway, speaking of what is happening in this area of \u200b\u200bthe southern hemisphere, I can tell that the hot weather that we had in the last two summers, this year has not been done yet to see in its entirety.
Only in recent weeks has started to "hit". We are not in hot Australia last month where cities such as Sydney or Melbourne are 38 degrees at midnight. Absolutely unbearable.
Here the cover on the bed in the evening gave us trouble in cases that can be counted on the fingers of both hands so far. It was never put away ........ to resume after this season. Not at all!
Fortunately, we can be happy with us "citizens" because he has done very little rain. "The farmer and the agricolutura begin to suffer from this thing, however. What do you do

Kohi to these days?
Kohi is abbrevviativo Kohimara to the suburbs Where We Live at the moment.
This is a video (amateur) where you can see the beach house:

Here we go there very often, because it is a 10-minute stroller from our house. Absolutely fantastic, especially because you do not pay .... ah ah ah :-)

last Saturday but we did a little BBQ with Italian friends to give a warm welcome to a couple of friends who must return home next month. We had him because they are nice people, especially inside. Fall in Tuscany, land of origin.
They are living very happily now I understand. They have a mix of emotions, from sadness to leave what they had managed with difficulty to build, to the joy of a new adventure in places that have seen them grow. The project to return there.
but wish them much luck. That everything goes well dear Sergio and Michelle.

a party that began at noon and ended just before midnight.
We could not finish the food prepared during the day. We took a break between the first round (pasta, mozzarella, ham, sausages, lamb, sausages, vegetables grilled) and second (pasta, sausages, hot dogs, grilled vegetables, bread, cake, etc ....) doing a nice walk along the beach, trying to stretch and return appetite. We thought of taking a jelly to aid digestion, but in the end we gave up. To be honest to the end, there is an ice cream shop worthy of the name in this area. You have to go in the city center to find one.
E 'was great. Theme of the day: PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE

The following day the program was for a short trip and picnic with two other couples, one other German el kiwi. The weather was horrible in the morning, so we opted for a lunch with friends at the restaurant "German" del luogo. Siamo finiti a mangiare Wrustel, Crauti e una specie di purè di patate. Il tutto condito da una piccantina senape. Non male direi eh ..... ?

Le due bambine naturalmente le regine della giornata. Sono bravissime, buonissime, simpaticissime e bellissime entrambi. Uno spasso veramente !!!!!!

Sabato scorso invece il pomeriggio lo abbiamo passato in spiaggia a giocare con la piccola Lina.

Faceva veramente caldo e il rischio bruciatura era altissimo. Un Kilo di crema protettiva alla bambina e un pò anche a noi prima di scendere giù, per non rischiare appunto di ritrovarci abbrustoliti alla sera durante la doccia.

Uno scorcio della NOSTRA spiaggia ..... personale. ( Funny eh ? ah ah ah ah )

Un tentativo di tuffo della bambina, con il papà che cerca di trattenerla.

Meglio ritornare fra la sabbia. Un pò più sicura direi. Ogni tanto finisce in bocca, ma il pericolo viene captato subito e si iniza a sputacchiarla fuori con strane faccie .......

Ok, vi lascio ancora alcune immagini che danno una vaga idea di quello che ci si ritrova sotto casa.
Pochi gli ombrelloni come potete vedere anche voi.

Ciao ciao a presto.


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