Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How Does Eyeclops Mini Projector Work

Declaration: I do not know any way to cook fish!

will be in my house (from old and rustic Piedmont) when the fish made its appearance in table a few times a year and its maximum presentation was: breaded sole!
So from here you do not understand why you love him at all and therefore because I do not know how to cook.
But life gave me a companion who, though Piedmont like me, loves to fish and especially shellfish and crustaceans. Sometimes I try to make him happy, I get closer to the fish counter, I look someone in the eye, I buy it and take it home and here I begin to understand how to cook and revised thresholds.
Here's my latest experiment!

Ingredients (eye because the portion was for one person): 6 cuttlefish, a little 'of shredded provolone, bread crumbs, parsley, 2 tablespoons of peas, salt, pepper, olive oil, half bicchiere di vino (lo so che con il pesce ci va vino bianco, ma purtroppo non l'avevo e ho usato quello nero).

Pulite le seppie e lavatele bene sotto l'acqua corrente.Tritate finemente il formaggio, unitelo in una ciotola con il pangrattato e tutti gli altri ingredienti (ad eccezione del vino), mescolate e riempite le seppie con il composto.

Con uno spago da cucina legate ad una ad una le seppioline in modo che cuocendo non esca il ripieno.Ponetele in una terrina con carta da forno e spruzzate con il vino.

Infornate il piatto a 200° per circa 40 minuti.


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